|| 34. New Year's Party (UN-EDITED)

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"You ready?" Aurora inquired, the two of them seated in their shared dorm room

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"You ready?" Aurora inquired, the two of them seated in their shared dorm room. Y/N donned her Ravenclaw Varsity jacket, paired with dark-blue waist-length ripped jeans and a plain tee, while Aurora sported a black dress.

"Yeah, when's the party starting again?" Y/N murmured as they exited the dorm, Aurora shutting the door behind them.

"Should be in about 30 minutes," Aurora hummed.

"Oh, by the way, who's Sophie going with? I heard Seraphina turned down Dean and went with Dan," Y/N murmured, Aurora nodding in acknowledgment.

"Sophie's actually going with Dean," Aurora replied, prompting a thoughtful hum from Y/N as the two continued their stroll.

"That's... a bit hard to wrap my head around," Y/N murmured, brows furrowing in confusion, Aurora letting out a chuckle.

"Yeah, it's kind of a strange situation," Aurora agreed, her bag swinging as it hung from her shoulder. "Oh, and I heard Granger is going with Longbottom," Aurora added, prompting Y/N's mouth to fall slightly open.

"Seriously?" Y/N inquired, Aurora confirming with a nod. "Huh," Y/N murmured absentmindedly, a faint flutter of an unfamiliar sensation in her chest that she swiftly dismissed.


Y/N and Aurora strolled through the courtyard, their gazes dancing amidst the explosion of vibrant colors. Fireworks painted the sky with cascades of light, accompanied by a grand countdown as the eve of the New Year unfolded.

The courtyard buzzed with energy, brimming with food stalls manned by older students and temporary clubs celebrating diverse cultures and countries. Y/N's eyes swept around, searching for a specific bushy-haired brunette-headed Gryffindor.

"So, I guess that's our first stop," Aurora's words pierced through Y/N's reverie. "Did you even hear what I just said?" Aurora raised an eyebrow, questioning.

"Uh... concert something something, something something," Y/N replied with a wry smile and a slight shrug, eliciting a playful eye roll from Aurora.

"The concert's in 2 hours, silly! So first, let's explore the food stalls," Aurora restated, Y/N's mouth falling open briefly before she nodded in agreement.

Amidst the grassy, moonlit grounds, Y/N and Aurora meandered. Aurora's laughter punctuated the air, while Y/N's occasional smiles were complemented by her wandering gaze. A symphony of aromas – herbs, spices, and an array of dishes – invaded Y/N's senses, evoking a subtle growl from her stomach.

Eventually, the duo halted at a Japanese stall. Aurora leaned over the counter to examine the menu, Y/N's attention still wandering.

"Y/N!" Aurora's voice broke through, prompting Y/N to turn. "What do you want from the menu?" Aurora inquired, to which Y/N simply shrugged.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now