"You're so insufferable, I hate you!" Hermione exclaimed, disdain filling her eyes.
"The feeling's mutual, you stupid... Muggle-born." Y/N retorted, Hermione's nose twitching out of frustration.
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"Are you okay?" Harry's voice cut through Y/N's reverie, a lifeline from the present that yanked her back from the depths of memory.
Her gaze refocused, breaking free from the distance, her expression a mix of daze and disarray. With a quick inhale, she cleared her throat, subtly adjusting her posture – a physical attempt to gather herself.
"I'm... fine," Y/N's response was soft, her words carrying a delicate timbre hinting at lingering emotions beneath the surface. Her fingers smoothed her robes, a fleeting unease she couldn't shake.
"Really? You looked a bit—" Harry started, curiosity and care in his voice.
"I said I'm fine!" Y/N's reaction was swift, a scrunch of her nose and a hint of defensiveness in her tone.
Yet, her anger faded as quickly as it had sparked, replaced by a wave of remorse. Y/N's eyes softened, a subtle change in her demeanor as she recognized the abruptness of her words.
"Sorry," she murmured, her voice tinged with contrition. "Just... remembered a bad memory," she explained, offering insight into her thoughts.
"Oh, it's... alright. What brings you here, though?" Harry asked, his hands naturally finding a place behind his back, a casual stance belying his genuine interest.
"I was actually looking for you," Y/N admitted, her words carrying purpose that hinted at underlying concern.
Harry's mouth opened, brows gently lifting in surprise. Y/N's statement caught him off guard momentarily, though curiosity soon overtook his initial astonishment.
"Why?" he asked, curiosity and intrigue coloring his tone.
"Just checking up on you. You've been acting a bit off," Y/N observed, her voice straightforward, a blend of frankness and concern in her words.
Harry's brows furrowed, a mix of confusion and surprise crossing his features. While Y/N was his friend, they hadn't shared an intimate closeness or a wealth of shared experiences.
The realization of her concern sparked internal curiosity – why was she taking this extra step to inquire about his well-being? The fact that Y/N hadn't shown this level of care to his closest friend, Aurora, added to the mystery. An air of vulnerability tinged Harry's response, his words accompanied by a slight downward glance.
"Oh, I'm... fine," Harry murmured, reassurance and uncertainty woven into his voice. His gaze, however, avoided Y/N's, a subtle detail speaking volumes about his complex emotions.
But Y/N never shied away from addressing the heart of matters. Her words held an almost deadpan quality, a directness that sliced through the air.
"It's about your parents, right? Ron mentioned it," Y/N stated matter-of-factly, her knowledge catching Harry off guard.
Harry's response stumbled out, a reflection of the emotions knotting within him. His gaze locked with Y/N's, an unspoken connection that rendered complete sentences unnecessary.