|| 31. Back To Hogwarts (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N's voice, clear and distinctive, cut through the ambient noise as she gracefully stepped onto the platform, her presence commanding attention

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Y/N's voice, clear and distinctive, cut through the ambient noise as she gracefully stepped onto the platform, her presence commanding attention. Dan's eyes shifted in her direction, locking onto her with a hint of curiosity before her words registered. 

"So you're a Gryffindor?" she inquired, her tone holding a note of intrigue.

A gentle nod from Dan served as his affirmation, a hint of humility accompanying his admission. "Yep, though I'm not that brave..." he mused, a soft chuckle escaping him as he acknowledged his own self-awareness. 

"I can tell, you're quite... clumsy, aren't you?" Y/N's words carried a playful undertone, delivered with a touch of light teasing. Dan's shoulders slumped slightly in a resigned manner, his expression an amusing blend of acceptance and chagrin.

A defeated sigh slipped past Dan's lips as he nodded in reluctant agreement, his voice carrying a hint of humor as he confessed, "Been clumsy all my days, mum said it ever since I was a child." 

As the conversation continued, Y/N slipped both of her hands into her pockets, a nonchalant gesture that conveyed a sense of comfort amidst the lingering chill of December. The year was drawing to an end, the promise of New Year's just a few days away.

"I'm sure you'd do well with Neville then," she remarked, a knowing glint in her eye. Dan's gaze flickered to the side, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush that betrayed a mix of embarrassment and amusement. 


A familiar voice sliced through the air, jolting Y/N from her thoughts as she turned to see a dark-skinned girl behind her, her presence exuding a mix of excitement and familiarity. It was Aurora. Aurora's arms enveloped Y/N in a warm embrace, a gesture that both surprised and comforted her.

"A warning would've been nice," Y/N playfully grumbled, her words accompanied by a good-natured eye roll. 

"Right, not a hugger, are you?" Aurora teased, with a hint of playful defiance in her gaze, stepped back, her lithe frame on her tippy-toes to match Y/N's slightly taller stature. 

As Aurora turned to the side, her eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion, her eyes locking onto the presence of another figure nearby. Dan stood there, perhaps somewhat caught off guard by the unexpected reunion. Aurora's candid curiosity propelled her to vocalize her query. 

"Who're you?" she asked, the words delivered with an air of openness. Dan, though momentarily taken aback, gathered his composure and responded with a hint of nervousness, 

"Dan Wintersworth, he's a Gryffindor." Y/N's introduction served as a bridge between the two, and Aurora's demeanor quickly shifted, a warm smile gracing her lips.

"Aurora Evergreen, nice to meet you," Aurora declared, her voice carrying genuine friendliness. Dan's smile mirrored hers as he extended his hand for a handshake.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now