lovesick • jensoo

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Jennie sighed as she watched from afar. She sat with her hands holding her head, trying to not fall asleep from the boring Math class. The ticking time couldn't get any slower. However, when her eyes drifted towards her pretty best friend whom she got a crush on since forever, time passes by quickly as if she was looking at the most endearing jewel in the world, an enchanting beauty.

Jisoo and Jennie were childhood friends. Some of their friends even called them a package deal, like they always come together, glued to each other. Lisa, their junior, told Jennie that her to Jisoo-as said by their other friends too-was like the moon to the sun, the rubber band to a stack of cash, the coke to a burger. One without the other would be incomplete, as if there's an empty feeling lingering when one happens to be without the other.

To put it simply, Jennie was a constant in Jisoo's life. Vice versa, Jisoo was an ever-present, never-absent in Jennie's life.

On the outside, Jisoo's caring and gentle nature match Jennie's fun and careless, outgoing personality. However, when private, Jisoo tend to be louder and Jennie would rather witness and admire. They were tender in different ways, balances each other and they fit each other like puzzle pieces.

Both of them were daughters of divorcees too. And they were only children. Even though both were filthy rich, both of them had a gaping hole of loneliness in them, only able to be filled by each other's presence.

They met when they were kids. They were too young and too naive, oblivious of the world's crumbling state. In each other's eyes, they found a home belonging to them, a reflection like a mirror to keep their truest only in them. In their hugs, their hearts connect and only they knew what exact warmth needed by the other.

When Jisoo was young, she saw Jennie and immediately knew that they were meant to be together, just unknowingly of what. For her little mind, she took one look at the angel and had herself wrapped in the fingers of the latter.

It was similar for Jennie. She saw the soul of a guardian goddess inside of Jisoo, the very one like in the fairytales she read before every nap time. For her, Jisoo was the very world that she could grasp, how her world could fit in the palm of her small hands.

Jennie was there to watch as Jisoo grew up to be a fine young woman. She saw how her first tooth fell out. At ten, she was there when Jisoo finally got her first period. She was there to listen to Jisoo's first crush on a man she has never met before-an idol in particular to be exact. She witnessed as Jisoo found her dream to be a celebrity singer, and how she fell in love with both astronomy and astrology after watching cheesy rom com movies which she claimed to hate before. When Jisoo was thirteen, Jennie saw her as she won her first pageant and got scouted by the idol agency she wanted. She was there to see Jisoo read her first speech in middle school as a class leader and her last speech in middle school as a valedictorian. In every milestone of Jisoo's life, she was there. She walked with Jisoo in all her summers, springs, autumns, and winters.

Like a curse-or at least that's what she felt of-Jennie could not say anything. It was as if she was born to witness and nothing else. She thought she was just a complementary.

With all the force of her heart, she hid her truest of love behind her cold, empty gazes, and buried it within the depths of her heart. She concealed her longing for her. It was eerie-or more of undoubtedly pathetic and exhausting-how she fell in love with the older from the start but she never could say it outright.

To see how long love could hold its breath. To see how love could stay in the impossible lane of waiting.

"Kim Jennie!"

Jennie was snapped out of her daydream. She looked away of her stare towards Jisoo, and positioned herself better, eyes straight towards Mrs. Choi. If Mrs. Choi wasn't her best friend's mom, she could've sworn that she would drain every last bit of her blood before throwing her in the middle of the ocean, leaving her to be eaten by a swarm of weird, scary, unknown sea creatures before rotting in the bottoms of the darkest coldest water.

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