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Oh guys you don't know how excited am I to start this book! It's Wukong and Macaque x Female Uzui Reader!!! This book will be so fun to write.

The events will be filled with loud screams and overconfidence, LOL! To declare things, let's imagine that Y/N used to have three husbands, but they died due to their fight with a demon and the both Wukong and Macaque found Y/N and helped her. They become close friends then they get married. If Macaque isn't originally immortal then he is in the story along with Y/N because Wukong gave them peaches if immortality. No one will that the monkeys are married to Y/N until late. I don't how old is Nezha, but he will be aged up to be suitable for flirting and might add as a love interest... who knows? ;)

The story will follow some of the show's episodes. Like usual, no smut in this story. It will be mostly wholesome, fluffy, and loud... like really loud.

I think that's all for now, more info will be introduced in the next chapter. Please support this book with your lovely comments and votes!

Be safe and amazing!

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