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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter ThreeBabysitter ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Three

❝Things are going to get real flashy.❞

YOU WERE IN YOUR ESTATE, sitting in your room comfortably while removing the makeup off your face. You had just finished cleaning the whole place, it had been a few weeks and neither Macaque nor Wukong bothered to clean it at least once a week.

Being the housewife wasn't really your thing.

You huffed and put the tissue on the small nightstand. Thankfully, you were going to take today and tomorrow off, so you will have to stay home in your comfy fuchsia yukata, enjoying some quality time. You let out a content sigh and leaned slightly on your hands, "Nothing better than some rest in my cozy home." You spoke to no one, closing your eyes. Moments like these you would have Suma crying while Makio yelling at him to shut up, Hinatsuru would try to stop their fight so you can get some rest after a hard mission. How you missed those days, how you missed your husbands.

Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the main door open, "Y/N! Are you here?" You heard Wukong call out your name. You sat more properly and slightly faced the door of your room, "In my room!" You replied shortly, hearing your husband's rushing footsteps. He opened the door and saw you sitting down on your knees, "Hey peaches, hopefully I didn't interrupt anything." He stated as he approached you, sitting down in front of you cross legged. You chuckled and shook your head, "Nah, I was just removing my makeup. Need anything? You seem to be in a rush." You asked with confusion.

Wukong's face became serious, "I... I'm going to find a way to stop the Lady Bone Demon before she brings a disaster upon us." He explained with a frown on his face. You crossed your arms and nodded your head, "I figured since that day you saw her, but how?" You questioned, narrowing your eyes slightly. Wukong let out a deep sigh, "I don't know yet, but I will figure it out soon. I'm going to look for something to help us fight her, I even lied to Mk and told him that I'm going on a vacation so I can work freely without his concern... So I was hoping if you could look after Mk for me until I return!" He stated, his tone suddenly turned cheerful and loving.

There was a dangerous glimmer in your eyes which made Wukong flinch in fear, "So... you just want me to babysit your successor, huh?" Your husband sweatdropped nervously. He laughed and scratched the back of his head, "Just until I return, I promise Mk won't make any troubles." He pleaded, giving you puppy eyes. You huff away a white lock of your hair with a small frown, "How long are you going to be absent?" You directly asked with a deadpanned look.

"A few days, I'm going to the Celestial Realm after I leave here."

"Alright, I will. I will go check on him, I was bored anyway."

Wukong's eyes twinkled in delight and tackled you in a hug, "Thank you, Y/N! You're the best wife I could ask for!" He happily exclaimed, giving you a big kiss on your cheek. You chuckled and petted his back, "Anything for you, my peach lover." You replied back and gave him a peck on his lips, making him blush light. He laughed light and rubbed his cheek against yours, letting out some light purrs of satisfaction. Welp, no days off for you.

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━

After Wukong left, you went to change into more casual and comfortable clothes to go to the city without getting unwanted attention.

After Wukong left, you went to change into more casual and comfortable clothes to go to the city without getting unwanted attention

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You walked through the city, your next direction was Pigsy's Noodles. Once you reached there, you walked through the small door, seeing only Pigsy and Tang chatting. You cleared your throat to get their attention, "Sup! Um... I'm looking for Mk?" You said as you tried to remember if this was the correct name Wukong told you or not. Tang had stars in his eyes as he jumped in front if you, "M-M-Monkey King's wife is here! Please come and take a seat!" He excitedly yelled, pushing you forward to take a seat. You had a deadpanned look when you sat down on one of the tables.

You then looked at the pig man, "I wanna see that kid if he is here." You said, trying to sound as polite as possible. Pigsy took a moment to process what you said before he nodded, "I will get him, he is taking a shower!" He quickly said before running to get Mk. Tang sat in front of you, his head on his hands, "Soooo ms. Uzui, care to share some of your adventures with me?" He asked, pulling out a book from nowhere. You raised an eyebrow smugly, "Who said I have adventures? I might just be an ordinary housewife." You declared, almost gagging at the word housewife.

Tang chuckled as he fixed his glasses, "Heh! You're Monkey King's wife, plus we all saw your incredible skills when you fought the Spider Queen. You can't just be a normal housewife." He stated as a matter of fact.

Before you could yell at him to leave you be, Mk ran to you, pushing Tang out of the way, "Ms. Y/N! You really did come!" He exclaimed with twinkling eyes. You blinked a few times before you smirked, "Of course I came! Even though this place looks plain as hell, I came to check on my husband's successor in his unflamboyant workplace!" You said with pride.

"Hey! My restaurant is not plain! It's the best place to eat the longest noodles ever!" Pigsy retorted as he felt offended by insulting his work place.

You shrugged your shoulders, "I don't care. Hey kid, why don't you take me around this city? I don't come here often." Mk seemed to be slightly taken aback by what you said before he beamed happily while nodding his head rapidly, "Oh yeah, I can do that! Lego!" He exclaimed and grabbed your hand, pulling you out with him. He turned the noodle truck on and helped you get in, driving away through the city. The ride was silent, none of you said a word. You could tell that Mk was concerned about something, you can even hear his heart beating fast out of nervousness. You were about to ask him if he was alright, but he spoke before you could even open your mouth.

"Hey.... um... Do happen to know who is the Lady Bone Demon?"

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