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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter TenAmnesia Rules ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Ten
Amnesia Rules

❝Things are going to get real flashy.❞

YOU WERE ENJOYING YOUR peaceful sleep, feeling all cozy and comfortable. However, this comfort was short lived because of banging on the van while Tang was screaming before it suddenly stopped. You just thought that the road was a bit rough, so you thought nothing of it and covered your ears to get back to sleep.

Ever since you stopped being a demon slayer, you started to crave more rest since you gave all of your might and power to fight the demons in the past. Plus most issues right now don't require a lot of struggle, even Tang can handle it. Also, they have Wukong who you didn't know was back to meditating. Suddenly, you felt someone shaking you, "Y/N! You need to wake up, pigsy is going to burn Monkey King!" Tang screamed in panic which made you frown. Your fuchsia opened as you let out a groan of annoyance, "Let me sleep-..." Before you could finish your order, a small explosion happened followed by a strong power force. You were still half a sleep to recognize what was happening, but you still can hear Wukong talking.

"Stand back, Master! Sun Wukong will handle this demon!" He exclaimed before jumping out of the van with Pigsy and Tang following after him.

You sighed in frustration and sat up on the bed, "Ugh, what a bummer." You mumbled as you got off the bed, stretching your limbs and then took your swords, placing them on your back. You approached the back door of the van and you could see both Pigsy and Tang arguing, "Uh, what's going on?" You asked while raising an eyebrow. Both Tang and Pigsy looked nervous as if they had done something bad, "Ummm... It's nothing, Y/N. Nothing to worry ab-..." The piggy couldn't finish his sentence as Tang pushed him away and cried.

"It's Pigsy! He broke Monkey King! I tried to stop him, but-..."

"Oi oi, slow down. What happened?"

Tang explained everything to you and let's just say you weren't one bit happy, "He forgot everything? You two are really a flamboyantly disappointing, find a way to fix him." You sighed while glaring at the two. Pigsy sweatdropped nervously while scratching the back of his head, "I'm sure it's nothing hard. This is just the amnesia rules, right? So we bonk him on his dumb head and boom! Back to normal." He said, trying to escape from your wrath. However, Wukong heard him and turned around. His eyes met yours and for a moment he looked hurt before composing himself, glaring at Pigsy.

"What'd you say, Piglet?"

"Piglet?! Oh, that's it."

𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃𝙔 𝙎𝙃𝘼𝘿𝙊𝙒𝙋𝙀𝘼𝘾𝙃___{Lᵐᵏ ˣ Kᶰʸ}Where stories live. Discover now