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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Twelve Benched ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Twelve

❝I don't approve of what's plain.❞

YOU WERE WOKEN UP BY your husband who oddly was excited. He told you that they were going to the Lantern City where you and Wukong used to go on your dates. He acted like a child when he told you that he was going there with you again after years.

However, Wukong has to go disguised in order to not be spotted by the people. You also wore some casual clothes and kept your swords in the van so you won't look suspicious carrying weapons arounds. Now, you were all looking for the ring around the city, "All right. I remember throwing the Ring around here somewhere." Wukong said as he looked through some junks. Mei looked at him with a deadpanned face, "I thought you hid it?" She questioned with suspicion dripping from her voice.

"Yeah, by throwing it, into the crust of the Earth, where no one could find it. Keep up, Dragon Pony Girl."

You sighed and benched the bridge of your nose, "Wukong, my darling, you carelessly dropped it, right?" You told him which made the colors leave his face. He quickly shushed you before anyone could hear you, "Don't say it out loud! They will think I'm irresponsible." He whispered while sweatdropping. You sighed again and decided to go to one of the stands and buy some souvenirs. You managed to get some flashy stuff for your house and also extra rare type of makeup and jewels. You were about to go and buy some food when Mk hugged your waist. You chuckled since you heard him running toward you, "What's it, kid?" You asked and looked down at him.

He smiled cheekily at you, "We found the third ring, but we have to join a talent show to win it which is kinda impossible if you ask me." Mk exclaimed with excitement and that made you laugh. Eventually, you regrouped with others and made it to the show backstage, "So if we win, we get the ring." Pigsy spoke up first as you all stood in the hall filled with many people practicing. Mk jumped up with panic, "But none of us have any talents. There's no way we can win." The kid stated and that made you place your hands on his shoulders.

"Calm down, now. It's unflashy to panic for no reason, we will find a solution."

"Oh, I know! Actually, Pigsy-..." Sandy couldn't finish his sentence because Pigsy grabbed his scarf and choked him. Imaginary stars appeared around Mk whose confident was boosted again, "Pigsy. Do you have some kind of secret talent that you're not telling us about that might help us win the thing, maybe?" He questioned with a knowing look on his face. Pigsy was about to protest, but Sandy didn't let him, "Pigsy is an amazing singer, I'm sorry Pigsy, I had to tell him. His voice is like a choir of angels." The blue guy stated, crying at the mention of how beautiful his voice was. And now, Mk started to give the roles to everyone.

"Awesome. That's good enough for me. Pigsy will sing, I'll play the bang bangs, Sandy is on the bass, obviously."

"I mean, obviously."

"Mei, you get this thing with way too many strings, and Monkey King-..."

However, that's when you grabbed Mk and dragged him to Wukong, "Uh, kid, I don't think Wukong is good with this kind of things." You declared as you placed your hands in your hoodie's pockets. The kid looked at you two in confusion, "What do you mean?" He asked rather innocently. Monkey King sighed and dropped his arm on Mk's shoulders, "Remember when I said the whole stage fright thing is kind of a joke?" He whispered, making Mk stare at him with deadpan.

"Wasn't a joke?"

"Not even a little bit."

You chuckled in amusement, "Can you believe it? Sun Wukong, self-proclaimed Great Sage, Equal to Heaven, is scared to perform in front of a crowd. Quite ironic." You said in a teasing way which made your husband pout sadly. He quickly composed himself yet still looking nervous, "I know, I know. It doesn't make any sense. You have to understand, kid." Wukong said in an almost pleading tone. Thankfully, Mk understood his reason, but he also made your husband play the gong. Now it was only you and Tang without a role. Mk thought for a moment, "What instrument suits you, Y/N?" He mumbled under his breath.

"No need, Mk. I can make you all look flamboyant with clothes of my choice and makeup."


"And what about me?" Tang finally spoke up, looking at Mk with hopeful eyes. Mk moved to the dark haired man and placed a hand on his shoulder, "Oh, Mr. Tang. For you, I've saved the most important role of all. There isn't a band on Earth that can have any hope to win the Ring of Light without the band manager." He uttered which shattered Tang's hope. The poor man had a look of betrayal on his face, "Wait, what? You're benching me." He said with slight anger and Mk shamelessly confirmed his statement. 

You all went to prepare yourselves, but something made you stop for a moment and look back... He was here, you heard his voice.

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━

You and Tang stood in the backstage, watching the others perform. You admired your artwork and how Wukong was stiff most of the time, but the sounds were too much that you had to cover your ears. You didn't notice Tang leaving because you thought he was probably going to the restroom. Suddenly...

"Caw! The giant lantern! Caw! Lady Y/N go there! Caw!"

You heard Nijimaru yell loudly and that earned your attention, "The lantern? Macaque." You didn't waste time and dashed to the lantern where Macaque was. Once you made it up there by the time Pigsy started to sing, you saw Macaque about to strike Tang. You swiftly got between them and held Macaque back by the fists, "Y/N!" The two said in unison upon seeing you appear before them. You pushed Macaque back, "Tang, take the ring and go with the others! Now!" You demanded, moving to distract your second husband. The electricity was triggered just in time Tang took the ring and jumped out of the lantern. An electric shock hit your body and sent you slamming into the wall. You groaned in pain as you tried to stand up, "Ugh! This wasn't expected." You mumbled, still feeling the shock running through your body.

"Y/N! Are you alri-..."

Macaque couldn't finish his question when the lights dimmed and small blue orbs floated around the both of you. He froze in place upon realizing the situation, "I set you a task. You were to retrieve the Monkey King and his protégé. Yet, you refused the path of destiny, and so there will be pain." The Lady Bone Demon whispered, the cold mist covered the place. You saw a symbol underneath Macaque, so you quickly forced yourself to stand up and push him away from it.

Chains erupted from the symbol and held you in place, "Macaque, run away! Don't stay here!" You yelled out loud, hoping that he would listen to you. However, he always was the stubborn monkey he is, "No! Leave her out of this! They have a weapon! They have the Samadhi Fire!" He exclaimed with concern, watching you struggle against the chains.

"Really? It appears there is still time to correct your failure and save your spouse. Bring the Fire to me. I will grant you my aid, my power in this final trial. But make haste, for I will leave nothing left of you or her."

You saw the Lady Bone Demon send her powers violently to Macaque, "Stop! Let him go!" You exclaimed with worry, seeing the spiked bones covering his arm. He screamed in pain which made more spiky crystals erupt through the city. That was the last thing you saw before LBD took you with her to the Bone Mech. Thankfully, Nijimaru was out to tell Wukong and the others about what happened to you.

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