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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Thirteen Captured ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Thirteen

❝I don't approve of what's plain.❞

YOU GROANED AND opened your eyes slowly. Your vision started to clear little by little, and that's when you noticed the unfamiliar place. You went to move, but you were restrained by chains. Suddenly, the memories of what happened flashed in your head.

"Macaque!" You called in hopes that he would reply to you. However, you received no reply at all. The silence was so eerie and intense. You growled and tugged on the chains, but it was in vain, "Macaque, he is in danger. I need to get out of here to help him and the others." You said as you took in some deep breaths to focus your energy before starting to free yourself again. Just then...

"Your attempts are futile. You better give up."

You heard the voice of a young girl talking to you. A cold mist covered the area, and the girl stepped out of the mist with an evil smirk, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N Uzui." She greeted, her eyes shining with mischief. You frowned upon seeing her smirking at you, "I should have known you would be the one making all those problems." You said while trying to maintain a smile on your face. Lady Bone chuckled and put her hands behind her back, "You're not quite bad yet still not the sharpest tool in the shed." She mocked with a rather calm composure. You squinted your eyes to sharpen your glare, "What are you seeking exactly?" You questioned while still pulling on the chains slightly.

LBD sighed and turned her back to you, "All I want is to fulfil my awaiting destiny, and to do that, I must remove all obstacles from my way. You and your husbands are no exception." She declared and glared at you over her shoulders. You laughed lightly and shook your head, "Let me tell you something, your stupid destiny will never be fulfilled no matter what. Wukong and Mk will stop you eventually." You told her bluntly, your smirk becoming more mischievous.

"Enough!" She frowned and shot her powers toward you, hitting your chest.

You groaned in pain as you felt her energy run through your body, surprisingly trying to push your consciousness back. Lady Bone laughed evilly, "Let's see if they really can stand against me." That was all you heard before everything went dark.

You didn't know what she did, but you just hoped that Mk and his friends would save the world and stop this crazy demon.

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Wukong left the group to go and deal with the Lady Bone Demon. After he failed to transfer the Samadhi Fire from Mei to himself, he decided to take down LBD by himself. He was on his cloud to go back to Flower Fruit Mountain when he heard the yells of Nijimaru calling him. He landed down along with the crow on his shoulder, "Nijimaru, what's the matter?" Monkey King asked.

"Caw! Lady Y/N has been captured! Caw! She is in danger! Caw!"

"What? This is not true."

"What he says is right."

Wukong turned around and saw Macaque standing behind him. Wukong frowned and let out a threatening growl, "Don't you dare talk to me after what you have done." He spat with venom dripping from his tongue. Macaque rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "It's not the time for..." He was cut off by Wukong pinning him down. The Monkey King was really frustrated with Macaque after what he had done.

"You have ruined everything! My plan was going right, and you just came in and destroyed it!"

"Did you really believe that your plan was going to work? If I was the one who ruined your plan, then you're the one who ruined people's lives!"

Upon hearing this, Wukong showed hesitation before his glare returned. He was about to punch his co-husband when Nijimaru suddenly screamed, "Caw! Stop fighting! Caw! Lady Y/N needs your help! Caw!" He exclaimed as he was very that your husbands were fighting while your life was in danger. The two stared at each other for a moment before Wukong moved away from Macaque. The ginger furried monkey sighed deeply, "What happened to Y/N?" He asked, directing his question to Macaque.

Macaque's eyes averted away, "To be Frank, it was my fault." He trailed off with a hint of guilt in his voice. This made Wukong scoff, yet he didn't say anything, "Lady Bone Demon was targeting me when we were in Lantern City, but Y/N saved me and got captured." He finished. Sun Wukong huffed and looked to the side, "I'm going to deal with LBD alone and save Y/N from her." He declared firmly. Macaque's eyes widened in utter disbelief, "Are you crazy? You can't deal with Lady Bone alone! You might risk Y/N's safety!" The dark furried monkey retorted.

"It's the only option I have, plus I have dealt with her before. It won't be that hard to stop her again."

"You have lost it, truly. I'm going to help Y/N. If you're risking yourself, then go ahead."

Macaque was about to leave, but he stopped when he felt Wukong's hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked at Wukong, who seemed to have something to say, "Make sure Mk doesn't get involved in my fight." He requested, gently squeezing his co-husband's shoulder. Macaque removed Wukong's hand away and turned to leave, "That kid is none of my concern. I'm going to save Y/N and leave." He stated before disappearing in a shadow portal.

Wukong sighed and looked at your crow, "Follow him." He ordered, and Nijimaru obeyed, flying to look for Macaque. Wukong sighed and got on his cloud to go to his home to retrieve his armour and stop the Lady Bone Demon once and for all.

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