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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Six On the Run ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Six
On the Run

❝Things are going to get real flashy.❞

YOU RAN THROUGH THE Celestial Realm to look for Wukong. Nijimaru was flying above, helping you to find your husband. Thankfully, Wukong had taught you how to go to the Celestial Realm. Thus, going there was pretty easy.

You gritted your teeth in frustration, "Where's that idiot peach when you need him?" You grumbled under your breath as you stood on the top of the roof of one the building. Just then, you remembered someone that can actually help you find Wukong. You quickly jumped to the next building, making your way to the Lotus Palace. The palace wasn't that far and you knew where it was located since you would visit every now and then. Once you reached the said building, you were surprised to see it collapsed and destroyed as if a fight occurred before your arrival. You ran inside to see if your friend was alright, "Goddamn it!" You mumbled as you looked around for him.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

Upon hear the voice, you saw the person you looking for standing a few feet behind you, he was supporting himself by using his spear, "Nezha, what happened to you? Are you okay?" You asked as you made your way toward him, he was injured and barely managed to stand up. Nezha grunted with a frown, "It's Wukong, he came here to take the map I have to protect. I tried to stop him, but..." He trailed off, looking away from you in shame. He looked up when he felt your hands on his shoulders, "No need to be concerned, Nezha. Just tell me where did he go and I will take the map from him." You assured him, giving a light squeeze to his shoulders.

Nezha averted his gaze away from you and sighed, "I don't know, but he went to the source of the blue light." He answered while pointing at the blue light ahead of you two. You scoffed as Nijimaru rested on your shoulder, "The Lady Bone Demon..." You thought while clenching your fists tightly. You forced a smile and looked at Nezha, "Alright then, that's useful. Now my little lotus, you better treat your wounds and rest. The last I want is to see is my future third husband in pain." Upon hearing what you had just, Nezha couldn't help but blush deeply at the nickname and him being your soon-to-be third husband.

"Are you really still into this?"

"Why of course, I'm still waiting for your respond and I won't accept 'no' as an answer."

You walked forward and turned your head to Nezha, "Until next time, handsome." You gave him a wink and dashed outside, your crow fly ahead of you. Meanwhile, Nezha was still blushing as he watched you leave, "This woman..."

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"Cow! They're up ahead! Cow!"

Nijimaru yelled as he led you through the land toward your husband and his companions. You ran as fast as you could, seeing a dronecopter up in the sky. As you ran, you used the trees and small hills to boost your speed, giving you enough momentum to jump high up to the dronecopter.

Your land was very strong that it made the dronecopter shake. The group all looked at you with utter shook as you stood up and Nijimaru landed on railing of the drone. When you saw Wukong all bandaged up, you dashed toward him, "My peach! What happened to you?" You exclaimed with dramatic concern, pulling Wukong's face close to you with your hands. Your husband seemed to be dazed as you held his face in your hands, "I'm fine, Y/N~" He cooed, leaning his head against your hand as imaginary hearts floated around him.

The rest of the group were looking at you while sweatdropping, "It seems that we have found the Monkey King's weakness." Pigsy pointed out as Sandy, Tang, and Mei nodded in agreement. Mk ran toward you, clinging into your back, "Y/N! Oh I'm so happy that you're here! You will never believe what happened!" He exclaimed as if he was about to cry. Before you could ask him, you heard a sound of something approaching the drone really fast and it was very close.

"Everyone watch out!"

Before anyone could react, a blast exploded in the ship, making everyone fly away, "The Lady Bone Demon?! How did she catch up to us already?!" Pigsy exclaimed while staring up at the sky. Wukong frowned as Mk stood beside him, "Oh no." You and Monkey King said in unison. However, who came wasn't actually LBD.

"Oh, Wukong!"

Your fuchsia eyes widen upon hearing Macaque's laughter ringing throughout the space. He sent blasts again, but this time you decided to step in. You pulled out your swords, "Sound Breathing: Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes!" You spin the swords around, deflecting any blast that was coming to the drone.

You scowled as you held your swords in your hands. You noticed the sad look on Macaque's face when he saw, but it didn't last long as he continued to blast the drone. Mk held into the railing for dear life as his friends tried to make the ship dodge the blasts, "Monkey King, you've gotta do something!" He exclaimed as he looked back Wukong. Your husband looked at you with sorrow, he knew that you would hate to see him and Macaque fight, "So… yeah, I'd love to, but I kinda sort of used the last bit of my powers getting this." He reasoned as he held the map out.

Mk looked between Monkey King and you, seeing that you're the only one to protect them from Macaque. Unfortunately, he didn't notice how hesitant you were. You couldn't fight your husband, you had promised to protect him and Wukong no matter what. You were certain that the Lady Bone Demon was the one who forced him to go after you all.

That woman had gone past the boundaries.

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