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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Eleven Therapy with Mei╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Eleven
Therapy with Mei

❝I don't approve of what's Plain.❞

AFTER A LONG TRIP, you all got to meet again with Sandy, Mk, and Mei mid-way. Not only that, but they also managed to get the first ring of Samadhi from DBK fortes. Right now, you were all camping and resting before continuing your trip for tomorrow to look for the second ring.

You were sitting slightly far away, staring up at the sky with a blank look. However, you were beyond sad deep down. It happened to be the anniversary of your marriage to your late husbands... It used to be such a special occasion, but now it is just a day of grief to you. What was worse was the fact that you couldn't decapitate the demons who happened to survive somehow after the battle you had in the past. You couldn't forgive yourself, you needed to avenge them. That unforgivable day when the demons destroyed Yoshiwara completely and escaped, your husbands got caught in the hurricane and got killed. You didn't know why only you survived, but maybe the reason was to avenge them and make them rest in peace after all those years.

You lied to Macaque and Wukong about the trips you take to clear your mind. In fact, you were contacting with some of the former demons slayers to gather informations about your target and up to now, they started to get really close to the demons. It was only a matter of time...

"Hey Y/N! I'm going to space!"

The voice of Wukong snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked up and saw a big rocket standing tall, "And what's the occasion?" You asked as you stood up and made your way toward the group. That's when you noticed that Sandy was tiny, "What happened to Sandy?" You asked which made Sandy shrug his shoulders. Mk sweatdropped nervously as he scratched the back of his head, "This was my fault." He replied with a small laugh. Wukong made his way to you with slightly excitement, "Y/N, we're going to space to get the second ring of Samadhi from Chang'e's kitchen. Wanna join us?" He told you, his tail wiggling a bit.

You chuckled and forced a confident smile, "I would love to, but I don't feel like going. I'm sure you can do better without me." Upon hearing your answer, Wukong frowned with a cute pout. You smiled and ruffled his hair, "Hey now, it's not like I will disappear or something. When you get back, we will cuddle." You stated which seemed to cheer him up. Wukong smiled and gave you a hug before going to join Pigsy and Mk.

"Have fun, guys! It's fine. We'll just stay behind and go on no adventures, whatsoever, and just babysit Baby Sandy or whatever." Mei who was failing at hiding her sadness said while waving her hand. Tang was also crying as he spoke up, "Yeah, not like we wanted to go to the moon or anything anyway!" He added, dropping down with tears running down his face like waterfalls. Mk smiled confidently, "You know what? We will have fun. Okay, bye!" For a moment, Tang and Mei got hope, but it was shattered once the door was closed and the rocket flew up in the sky. Just as the rocket left, you let out a sigh and returned to your place.

You hated putting on a facade, it was totally unflamboyant at all. You were faking your happiness in order to not concern others around you, it was sickening. You stuffed your hand in your pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. You then opened it to reveal a drawing of your three husbands that you made yourself. A sad smile tugged on your lips, "My boys... It should've been me to die, not you." You thought while tracing your finger over the drawing.

"Hey Y/N! What are you looking at?"

Once you heard Mei's voice, you quickly hid the drawing. The young girl approached you and sat down beside you, "Why did you hide it? It's not like I'm going to judge you or anything." She told you with a cheerful smile. You laughed and shook your head, "It's nothing important, I promise." You told her, looking up at the dark sky.

"A thing you should know about me is that I can see when someone is faking that it's alright. What's the matter? You have been so down ever since that day in the East Sea Dragon palace."

You sighed and looked down, "I know... I hate putting on a happy face when I don't actually feel happy at all." You stated before opening the paper again to let Mei see what's inside.

" You stated before opening the paper again to let Mei see what's inside

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Mei gawked when she saw the three men in the drawing, "Wow! This is a cool drawing, who are these?" She asked, pointing at your husbands. You chuckled and looked at the black haired girl, "Do you promise to keep it a secret between us?" You required, earning you a nod from Mei. You took in a deep breath before speaking up, "These three men were my husbands." You confessed and that shocked Mei so much that her jaw dropped.

"What? You serious?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" You questioned with a deadpanned look.

Your deadpanned looked then turned to one of depression, "They died long time ago during one of my battles." You stated, clenching one of your fists tightly. Mei saw how serious you were and composed herself, "I'm sorry for your loss, Y/N. I know they're in a better place now." She spoke up, trying her best to sooth you. You were grateful for her efforts, but nothing can make you forget about what happened to them, "I dragged them into this fight, it was all my fault. If I didn't do this, they would still be alive." You said with regret in your voice. For the first time, Mei could see pain flashing in your fuchsia eyes. She believes that it never suited you to be all sad and gloomy. Thus, she decided to cheer you up, "Look Y/N, I don't know what exactly happened, but I do know that it was never your fault." She stated with confidence.

"What? What are you talking about? If I was more careful, they would-..."

"They would be alive, I know. But accidents happen and we learn from them. Just know that they would never like it when you blame yourself for what happened in the past. It's time to move on even if would take you some time."

You were pretty surprised to hear her say such a thing yet again you were grateful that she was trying to help you. You smiled then laughed lightly, "Thanks, Mei. Your help is appreciated, I will try my best to move on for them. Just don't tell anyone, especially Wukong." You said with a smile on your face. Mei firmly nodded before wrapping her arm around your shoulders, "No problem, we girls need to support each other. Also, your secret is safe with me." She assured you in kind of a childish way.

You were pretty happy to have some to support you, but moving on will take you a while. At least after you avenge your husbands. Later that night, the trio returned from the moon with the second ring. Only one ring left to eliminate the Lady Bone Demon, but deep down you had a bad feeling about those three rings.

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