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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Nineteen Familiarity ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Nineteen

❝I don't approve of what's plain.❞

YOU STUMPED YOUR way to the living room where Macaque was sitting in front of a table filled with variety of food, you had just finished your call with Wukong moments ago. You sat down, your white hair covering your eyes. Macaque could feel the frustration emitting from you, "So... He is not coming?" The moment he asked this, you let out a growl of anger.

"He FORGOT! Wukong forgot about our family lunch!" You exclaimed loudly before banging your fist on the table.

Macaque sweatdropped a bit and carefully choose his words as to not anger you more, "Will he join us or-..." The poor monkey couldn't finish his sentence when you cut him off so suddenly. You face showed it all that you were very upset and disappointed, "No! Because he's busy with Mk! His student is more important than his wife! This is so unflashy of him!" You roared and then gritted your teeth in anger. Macaque knew that you loved gathering the two of them for lunch or dinner, it was something you enjoyed a lot because you love your family gatherings. He could tell that you were more disappointed than angry.

He held your hand gently and rubbed his thumb on the back of your hand, "Don't bother yourself with him, Sugar Plum. We could enjoy our time together then you can take some food to him and that kid. You can also yell at him if you want to." He told you with a small smile on his face, his tone was very gentle and soft. You sighed and calmed down a bit, "You're right, let's enjoy this meal just the two of us and then I will give Wukong a peace of my mind." You uttered and then grabbed a plate for you and Macaque.

The two of you enjoyed this meal and chatted delightfully. Macaque was glad that he managed to have some lone time with you without Wukong creating scenes. It was wonderful to have all of your attention directed to him and only him.


You had arrived to Flower Fruit Mountain, a bento in your hand packed with his portion of the food you cooked. You didn't bring your swords since you thought it would be a normal visit, keyword, thought. However, you didn't find him anywhere in his hut. You decided to go to that cave where he keeps the old junk stacked and piled there.

Once you got there, you could see Mk and his friends there. You raised an eyebrow since it wasn't normal to see them here, "What are you doing here? And where's Wukong?" You asked which made them flinch then turn around to face you. They all looked at you nervously, you could even hear their heartbeats increase. Now the suspicions was taking over your mind. Mk was the first time to speak up, "Y/N! It's nice to see you, but what are you doing here?" He asked you, mentally freaking out about what happened to Wukong.

You gave him a deadpanned look, "This is my husband's place, I should be the one asking what are you doing here." You looked at them all, seeing them either avert their gaze away or busy themselves with something. You returned to stare at Mk, "Something is not right, what happened?" You pointed out, your eyes squinting lightly to show that you were serious. Mk quickly got overwhelmed and started to tell you what happened, "Monkey King was dragged into this weird scroll, he is stuck there and I don't know how to get him out!" Upon hearing what he said, your fuchsia eyes widened in utter shock and your hands dropped the bento.


"W-We are looking for the scroll to figure it out! I'm sure we can get Monkey King out!"

Just then, Sandy raised his hand with a black scroll, "Hey, I think I found the scroll." He told you all. Mk looked surprised and scared, "Sandy, wait!" He tried to warn his friend, but it was too late. The scroll unrolled and the atmosphere changed out of blue. Sandy dropped the scroll and ink seeped from it, inky soldiers emerging from it. You braced yourself for the incoming battle, but Mei quickly pushed Tang forward, "Aight, Tangy, you're up!" She excitingly just as Tang stood up. The man looked really confident and fixed his glasses, "Uh, give our Mystic Monkey back, or you're going to learn why they call me Mr. Tang!" Tang exclaimed and tried to use his powers like before, but it didn't work.

"Anytime now!" Pigsy urged him.

"Give it a minute!"

Suddenly, four giant familiar figures appeared. You already acknowledged who they were, "The Pilgrims..." You trailed off, hearing them insult you all. From the corner of your eyes, you saw someone waving at you. When you looked at them, your eyes widened, "Hinatsuru?" It was one of your late husbands, both Makio and Suma followed afterward, smiling in a creepy way. The ink dragon opened his mouth and sent a blast at you all. You grabbed the nearest two to you which were Mk and Mei, but Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy couldn't survive.

"Wait! My friends!" Mk yelled, watching the ink take his friends away.

"It's too late, kid!" Just as you said this, your sprint came to a halt when ink pooled beneath your feet and inky arms wrapped around your waist, "Where are you going, Y/N sama? Don't you want to be with us." It was Suma who spoke to you in a sad voice. You knew you were stuck, so you threw both kids away, "Get out of here!" You demanded before the ink covered you and dragged deeper into the depths of the darkness.

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