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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter FiveWarning ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Five

❝Things are going to get real flashy.❞

YOU IMPATIENTLY SAT IN Macaque's dojo, waiting for him to arrive as you told him via crow. You had to warn about the Lady Bone Demon before it's too late for him.

Macaque told you that she was the one who brought him back from the underworld after Wukong killed him, Macaque of course told you to keep it a secret and you promised to do so. However, in exchange of his return, he had to help her out of her prison when the right time comes. You had a strong feeling that she would definitely be after him now that she is free. Your worry was consuming your consciousness and dark thoughts roamed in your head, you had been waiting for hours, "What's taking him so long?" You thought with irritation as your finger kept tapping on your knee. You perked up when you heard footsteps outside the building before the door opened.

When you looked up, you saw Macaque walk through the door and close it behind him. You quickly stood up and ran to him, hugging from the back and taking him off guard, "Whoa there, bright eyes! You surprised me." He said with a chuckle of amusement. "I was worried about you." That was all you said before you let go of him. Macaque turned around and saw the frown on your face which meant that what you were about to discuss with him was very serious, "Come on, Y/N. Let's sit down first." You nodded and both of you went to sit down on the ground in front of each other.

Macaque patiently waited for you to relax since you now know that he wasn't harmed... well, at least not yet, "So plum cake, what's that you want to talk about? Nijimaru told me that it's urgent." Macaque spoke up first. You let out a deep breath before locking your fuchsia eyes with his golden ones, "Look, I don't know if you're already aware of this, but Lady Bone is free and I fear she might go after you." You said straightforward to the main topic. Your husband averted his gaze to the side and sighed, "I... know this will happen sooner or later. If anything, LBD will definitely hunt me down after what I have done to her." He declared, looking back at you.

Macaque could see you getting more concerned as you bit your lip. He didn't know why you were THAT worried, maybe it was related to what had happened to him in the past. He acknowledged that you didn't want to lose him... not again, but Macaque didn't know that you didn't want to lose another husband to a demon.

You suddenly placed your hands on his shoulders as you looked down, "Liu'er, you mustn't stay here, you need to escape as far away from her as possible. I don't want to lose someone else important in my life, I can't let this happen again." You addressed Macaque with his real name, indicating that your worry was at high level. It was the first time he saw you like this, you were even trembling slightly. He put a hand on your arm, looking at you with sympathy, "What do you mean by that, Y/N?" He asked with a mix of sorrow and confusion.

"... I can't tell you yet, but just know that I have lost so many close friends and family members that it effected me. Promise you will be safe and protect yourself."

"I promise, you don't need to worry about me."

You hugged Macaque again, giving him a kiss on his cheek which made him blush, "I will make sure to protect you and Wukong even if it costs me my life." You thought with determination shining in your eyes.

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━

After his fight with Mk had ended, Macaque returned to the destroyed theater to retrieve his broken lantern. This fight will be something he would make sure you won't know about since Mk was close to you, but at least he managed to play a little with the boy's head.


Macaque used his powers to fix the lantern and smirked with pride. Suddenly someone clapped their hands from behind him which startled your husband. He looked back to see a man who was wearing a suit, "Bravo! Bravo! What a performance!" He exclaimed with delight as he stood up. Macaque didn't feel comfortable around him yet he forced a smile, "Thanks, last show actually, I was just heading off-..." The dark furred monkey was cut off when the man suddenly held him up by the neck, making him choke.

"Lady Bone Demon would like a word. Oh, and she'll be needing that." Macaque's eyes widened as he tried to free himself from the man's grasp. He promised you to be safe, that he will be fine. He can't broke this promise. Just then...

"Let him go!"

Before Macaque and the man could react, you jumped down at them out of nowhere, ready to slash the man with your swords. However, the man dodged your attack with Macaque still in his grasp which made your swords collide with the ground. The man laughed in a kinda crazy way, "My my, aren't you a quiet one! I didn't even hear you walk in." He amused with a weird smile. You growled and pointed your sword at him, "Let go of him or I will kill you this instant." You demanded firmly, your eyes sending daggers to him. The man hummed before laughing again, "I would love to play with you more, but I more important things to attend to. Tata for now!" He waved as a blue portal opened underneath his feet. You dashed toward him, ready to strike again, but it was too late and your swords slashed the air.

The two went through the portal quickly and last thing you saw was Macaque's fear-filled eyes. Out of rage, you stabbed your swords in the ground as you let out a scream of fury, "I can't let her hurt him! I will do whatever it takes to get him back." You pulled your sword back and wrapped them in the bandage on your back. However, you need to get to Wukong first and you know where to find him.

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