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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Seventeen The End of LadyBone Demon ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Seventeen
The End of Lady
Bone Demon

❝I don't approve of what's plain.❞

EVERYONE WATCHED as Lady Bone took her real form, pushing the girl she possessed away. Thankfully, Macaque moved quickly and caught the little girl before she could hit the ground.

"If the Dragon Girl will not give me the Samadhi Fire willingly, then I will rip it from her!" Lady Bone exclaimed in frustration. Suddenly, fire exploded around the Mech. You could hear Mei scream in agony, "Damn it, she is hurting Mei." You stated as you gripped your swords tightly. You, Mk, Wukong and Macaque with the girl jumped off the Mech before you could get caught in the fire. You were going to stay with Wukong and the others, but you saw Pigsy, Sandy, and Tang jumping out as well. You knew that Redson was still trying to help Mei out.

"Wukong, help me get there!"

Wukong saw you pointing at where Mei was, "What? It's dangerous! You will get hurt more!"

"I will be fine, just trust me!"

Wukong was forced to agree, so he grabbed your hand and threw you toward the core. You landed there safely then looked up, seeing Redson still struggling to break the crystal. You took a fighting stance and prepared yourself, "Need help, Red Boy!" You exclaimed which made the boy look at you with confusion. You took in a deep breath and leaped high, "Sound Breathing: First Form: Roar!" You slammed your swords on the crystal.

"Come on, just a little bit! Help us, Mei!"

Little by little, the crystal started to crack, "It's working! Just a bit more!" Redson shouted was he watched the crystal break. Eventually, it broke yet Mei's fire was still out of control, "I will leave the rest to you, Bull King's son." You uttered while moving away before you could get burned. Redson reached for Mei to try help her control her powers, "Don't you give up on me, Dragon Girl! The Samadhi Fire is not her power! It's yours! Bend it to your will! Don't use the flame, Mei!" You heard him tell her and hoped this would work.

Suddenly, the red flames turned green and before you knew it you were taken out of the Mech. It was Mei and she took you to the Monkey Mech that Mk summoned earlier, it looked golden and improved. The impact was very strong for Mk to handle the fire, but Mei held him just in time, "Hey, Monkey Man! Ya miss me?" The dragon girl said with a confident smile on her face. Mk was stunned for a moment and then his eyes sparkled, "Huh? Mei?!" He spoke up, sounding very happy.

"Yeah, I-I'm here too, by the way." Redson added, trying to look unimpressed at all. Mk then felt your hands on his shoulders, "Real flamboyant, kid. Like this new Mech." You said with a proud smirk. Mk was glad to have you and Redson along with his friends to help him defeat Lady Bone Demon.

"Let's end this!" Both Mei and Mk yelled in unison.

"In a flashy way!" And you added.

Outside the Mech, Tang created a big symbol above the Mech, giving more power to Mk. The energy was strong that it freed every person trapped in the ice. Mk then summoned a staff and it got bigger and bigger. Ne Zha also joined and attached his Fire Wheels to the celestial mech to give it a good push. The kid let out a breath and braced himself for the final blow.

"Here comes..."

"Monkie!" You all joined him.

"No! You will not take my destiny from me!" Lady Bone refused, creating a protective barrier.

Both your husbands helped with the staff while you and Mei left the mech. You ran on the huge staff to help as well, "Sound Breathing: Fifth Form: String Performance, Bursting Bloom!" You swung your swords around before throwing them at the barrier along with some explosives. "Kid!" Everybody yelled as your blades helped to create an opening that made the staff land a direct hit on Lady Bone.

Your blades returned as you landed down on the ground, "Perish with style!" You spoke up as you watched the downfall of Lady Bone Demon. Suddenly, your body started hurt so much that you fell down, "Ugh! Well, this was to be expected." You mumbled, feeling the adrenaline leave your body.

At least Lady Bone was finally gone and Macaque was free from her taunt.


You were resting with the group while Mk was chatting with Macaque and Wukong. You sat beside Ne Zha who was trying his best to ignore you, "You did good today, Lotus." You spoke up, playfully hitting him with your elbow. He blushed a bit and cleared his throat, "Yes... Ahem, thank you." Ne Zha said, avoiding eye contact.

Mei then suddenly hugged you tightly and that made you groan in pain, "Thanks Y/N! Without you Red Boy would never be able to get me out!"

"Hey! I was doing my best!" Redson retorted angrily.

"Alright you two, stop fighting and let the lady rest." Tang scolded, but no one cared which disappointed him. Your eyes then landed on Macaque who was about to leave, "Macaque, wait for me." He heard your call and turned to you. You bid goodbye to your friends and went to Mk, "You did great, kid. You will be a real flashy fighter in the future." You praised and ruffled his hair. Mk's eyes sparkled happily, "Thanks, Y/N. I will make sure to not let you and everyone down, it's a promise." He promised you with a confident grin. You then looked at Wukong, "Come to my house later, okay? There's something we need to discuss with you and Mac." As you said that, Wukong nodded in understanding.

"Let's go, Y/N." Macaque spoke up. You went to him and he teleported you back to your estate, "What's it that you want to discuss with us, Plums?" The dark furried monkey asked, feeling both worried and unsure.

"Wukong must be present first. For now, let us rest for a bit."

Macaque was still suspicious of your action, but he decided to follow your instructions for now. You thought that it's finally time for you to tell them what you were hiding for years. They deserve to know after all.

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