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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Eighteen Talk ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Eighteen

❝I don't approve of what's plain.❞

YOU SAT IN YOUR HOUSE with Macaque who was resting, pondering the thought of how to tell him and Wukong about your three late husbands or your secret research for the demon behind it.

You didn't want them to get involved into your own revenge in fear they might end up getting hurt severely or worse... devoured. Knowing that the demon you seek wasn't the same as the ones you fought here, you couldn't guarantee that both of them would survive if the demon caught your husbands. That was what you feared the most and you couldn't continue your research alone either. Now that you had narrowed the location of the demon, you couldn't risk losing that damned thing again. After all, who would spend their entire life looking for a demon.

You also wanted a peaceful life.

You even thought of finally leaving the battlefield after you get your revenge. You would probably find a new hobby or work related to your talent in painting. You also would be able to focus on your husbands and take care if them. Furthermore, you would be able to insist on Ne Zha to agree to be your third. Wouldn't this be wonderful?

It would also make Macaque and Wukong so jealous and upset, especially Wukong.

You chuckled at the thought as you pushed your white hair back, "Just a little bit more and we will be over." You mumbled while clenching your fists tightly. You let out a sigh and went to your living room, waiting for your other simian husband to arrive. After a few minutes, you heard a knock on the door and you went to open it. You had set a rule to them that no teleporting or shadow portals, they had to knock on the door if you were alone in the house. You reached there and opened the door, you were met with Wukong who was smiling at you, "Hi, did you miss me?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

You chuckled and moved aside to let him in before closing the door. Once inside, Wukong turned to face you, "So Peaches, I hope you didn't do anything... funny with Macaque in my absence." He said while crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. You rolled your eyes and walk inside with Wukong tailing after you, "Well..." You trailed off, teasing him a bit. Monkey King stopped and looked at you with utter disbelief. You wanted to laugh so badly, but you held it.

"S-Seriously? Please tell me you're joking."

"Yeah, I'm joking..."


"... or not."


You laughed and dismissed the subject, "Just kidding, Macaque is asleep." You stated which made Wukong sigh in relief. You could hear faint footsteps approaching, "You're too loud." Macaque spoke up with a groan from behind you, scratching the back of his head. Wukong let out a sound of annoyance as he and Macaque glared at each other, "Sorry for ruining your beauty sleep. I wonder why you're not mad at him after what he had done." Monkey King spat with venom, still hating the fact that his co-husband had helped their enemy. Macaque smirked mischievously, "Maybe because I'm the favorite?" He mocked and then let out a low snicker.

Wukong narrowed his eyes and was about to retort, but you stopped them, "This is not the time, we have important matters to discuss." You interrupted, already not in the mood for their arguments. Both of them went silent yet still glaring at each other, "What is it that you want to talk about?" Macaque finally asked, moving his eyes away from Wukong to look at you. You sighed again and nodded your head, "Alright, follow me." You stated before guiding the two to the basement where you left all of your research results hidden.

You unlocked the door and walked down the stairs, followed by the two monkeys. Once at the bottom, you turned on the light. Both Wukong and Macaque were surprised to see many reports and papers stuck on boards, "Wh-What is this? Y/N, why do you have all of this?" Wukong broke the silence between you three while Macaque continued to look around. You clenched you jaw tightly and bit the inside of your cheek, "This is my research over the years." You replied, you voice monotonous.

"Research for what?"

"I'm looking for a certain demon."

The two looked at each other in confusion before turning to look at you, wanting a clear explanation. You pulled a picture you draw for your deceased husbands and showed it to them, "Who are these?" Wukong asked, looking between the picture and your face. You took in a deep breath and proceeded to explain more, "Before I met you two, I used to had three husbands. Each one of them had a special spot in my heart. Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma, they meant the world to me. My life with them was filled with chaos, but I lived the best and flashiest years in my life." You paused for a moment and then turned your back to them.

"They used to help me fight demons when I was a demon slayer, but everything crumbled in that mission. I was supposed to kill a high rank demon, but it didn't go as planned. My husbands were killed and since that day, I've sworn to avenge them. However, finding that demon took me a long while."

The two remained silent as they listened to what you said before Macaque decided to speak, "So when you travel, you..." He stopped himself, waiting for you to confirm his thoughts. You smiled and nodded your head, "Yes, I have been looking for the demon and I managed to narrow her location. She is in a place called the Red Light District, she should be there. Although I don't want this, but I need your help." You finished explaining, turning to look at the two.

"I will help you." Macaque almost immediately agreed to help. You turned to Wukong who was still thinking of the picture you showed them. He had always been the jealous type even when Macaque was near you let alone knowing that you still thought about your late husbands. When you talked about them, your feelings sounded so genuine and true to him. It was obvious to Monkey King that you still care about them even though they were dead. Yet again, he knew that you seeked vengeance so your husband could rest in peace. Wukong eventually nodded and smiled at you, "I'm in, you will need this Great Sage's assistance in this mission after all." He confidently said, earning a deadpanned look from Macaque. You smiled and pulled them in a tight hug, "Thank you, this means a lot to me." You said in gratitude, feeling relieved that they agreed to help you. The two of them hugged you back, wrapping their tails around your frame.

"You're welcome, Peaches."

"It's our duty to help you, Plum Cake."

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