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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter EightGreat Grand Dragon ofthe East ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Eight
Great Grand Dragon of
the East

❝Things are going to get real flashy.❞

THE DRONE WAS GETTING filled with water as it slowly sank deeper into the ocean. You all sat quietly without saying a word, the atmosphere very tense.

Tang broke the water surface and gasped for air, "We're alive. We're alive!" He exclaimed as his eyes twinkled in hope, but it was short lived because the glass broke and more water started to flood inside the vehicle. Everyone started to panic while watching the water raise slowly, "Maybe hold that thought?" Mei spoke up and got smacked in the face with a fish.

"Here we finally get away from Macaque and now we all get to drown!" Pigsy yelled nervously, getting angry with each passing second. Just then, there was a beeping noise which meant no good at all, "This drone, it's not water adventure friendly!" Sandy exclaimed, trying to figure a way to get the drone to work. You frowned and clenched your fists tightly, "I can break us out of here, but I fear we're way too deep into the ocean to swim up." You stated as you crossed your arms, but the glass behind you shattered and water dropped on your head, soaking you wet. Mk shook his head to shake away the water from his head and turned to Monkey King, "Monkey King, you've gotta do something!" He desperately asked for help, but your dear husband was actually really chilling.

"Huh? Why? A little water never hurt no-... Oh! Right, mortality."

You mentally facepalmed as you moved out of the flooding water, "Wukong my dear, I really love you and all, but it's not really the time!" You scolded before a red light flashed with loud beeping sound, making everyone worried. Mei raised an eyebrow upon hear a sound, "What was that?" She questioned and turned around.

"Something big!" Mk replied nervously. Wukong sat up and smiled as if nothing bad was going to happen, "Guys, relax. Pretty sure this is just an old friend of mine come to help out." He stated confidently. Suddenly, a pair of purple eyes stared at you all through the broken glass, freaking the hell out of you. The eyes then disappeared and a giant turtle like vehicle stood tall in front of you.

"Actually, friend might be stretching it."

━━━━━━━ •♬• ━━━━━━━

The dronecopter was thrown on the solid ground, breaking it into pieces. You lightly groaned and looked up to see a majestic palace. You smirked and placed a hand on your hip, "Well, that's a flashy place." You compliment, pointing at the palace with your finger.

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