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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Two Unpleasant Memory ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Two
Unpleasant Memory

❝Things are going to get real flashy!❞

A CERTAIN STORY TELLER sighed deeply as he removed his cloak and put his lantern in a safe place. Macaque walked into his empty dojo, the loneliness was kinda unbearable. He was used to your frequent visits that he no longer wanted to be alone. Not to mention the visits he and Wukong make to your estate every weekend. You were just too special to him that he would always look forward to see you again.

However, he would never admit it out loud obviously.

He hadn't seen you ever since you went to this trip you came up with, you said you just wanted some lone time. He wouldn't blame you though. Recently, Macaque and Wukong fought more over your attention, proclaiming that to be a better husband than the other. Eventually you exploded and banned them from visiting you together for a month.

"Stupid Wukong, screwing everything up." He thought with a low growl. Suddenly, Macaque felt eyes watching him, he wasn't alone. Something moved quickly and swiftly behind him. He looked around and found no one, "I know you're in there! Show yourself!" He let out a threatening growl as his glare sharpened. A dark figure appeared right behind the shadow demon. Macaque turned around and before he could react, the figure launched at him, tackling him in... a hug?

"Macaque! My beloved shadow monkey, I miss you!"

"Y/N? You came back?"

You chuckled and looked at your husband with a big smile, "Yup, I came just now. I was going to visit you first, but Wukong got himself in trouble like usual and I had to save his butt." You explained, your face turned deadpanned when you mention Wukong. Macaque frowned and looked away, "So... you went to Wukong first, huh?" He said with a mix of disappointment and jealousy. You knew he would react like this when you told him about Wukong, so that's why you didn't come empty-handed. You pulled out a necklace, "This is for you, Plum." You said and then handed it to him.

Macaque was surprised as a blush appeared on his face, but he then took it from you, "Thanks

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Macaque was surprised as a blush appeared on his face, but he then took it from you, "Thanks... I didn't expect a gift from you." He mumbled, his head low to hide his red face. You couldn't resist the urge to pinch his cheeks, he was so adorable being all shy and embarrassed. You pinched and pulled on his cheeks, "Aww! Aren't you just so cute?" You cooed as Macaque tried his hard to pull your hands away. Thankfully, he managed to free his face from your hands.

"I-I will go prepare some food, I'm sure you're hungry."

"That would be flamboyance of you."

Macaque nodded and went to cook something for you. A smile tugged on your lips and sat down on the floor, watching him leave your sight. You cared about Macaque the most after Wukong went on adventures with his companions. He was alone and had no friends, you were all he had and still. You still remember that day when you found him dead, it still pained you to this day.


You ran as fast as your legs can carry you, panic consuming your being. Your crow informed you of some unfortunate news and you couldn't believe it. This shouldn't be happening... not again. You had made a promise to protect them both.

The place wasn't that far, but it felt you had been running for ages. Your crow led you to the said location and once you reached there, you stopped and froze. Your fuchsia eyes widen in shock and tears rolled up your eyes. In front of you, Wukong was standing with shock and tears rolling down his face while blood covered him. However, that wasn't what shocked you. Macaque was on the ground with blood pooling underneath him and covered his body, Wukong's staff was beside him and had blood on it.

"Macaque!" You screamed and ran to him, dropping down on your knees. Your hands were held out, but you were hesitant to touch him, "Macaque! What happened? How did this happen?" You asked, your eyes still looking all over his lifeless body. There was no heart beats that you hear which means that your husband was long gone. You didn't want to believe it, you didn't want to believe that you had lost another husband! Not again!

Tears fell down your face as you pulled Macaque up in your arms, you could see a scar on his eye. You cried your heart out as you held him close, "Who did this to you? Who took you away from me?" You screamed and buried your face in his neck, tears still running down like falls. Wukong was heartbroken and scared, he knew if he told you what happened, you will definitely hate him. However, it was clear that he was the one who had killed his bestfriend and co-husband.

"Y/N, I-..." Before he could finish his sentence, you snapped your head up with a sharp glare.

"You! You killed him, right?"

"Y/N, please listen-..."

"I don't want to listen! You killed him! Your staff is covered with his blood, just why would you kill him? What did he do to you to deserve this?" You yelled at him with rage. It was the first time you rage like this. Yes you would scold and yell at people, but not like this. Wukong was speechless as he saw your fury for the first time. You gritted your teeth in anger, "Sun Wukong, I don't want to see your face ever again! I hate you!" Those words broke Monkey King. He knew you were very upset and those were words of rage, but it hurt him a lot. He lowered his head in shame, standing there for a couple of seconds before picking his staff and leaving. You remained there, still crying with Macaque's body in your arms.

Since that day, you hadn't seen Wukong for a year. You were still upset yet felt guilty that you said those harsh words. Eventually, you sent him an apology letter, telling him that he was welcome to visit and stay in your estate any time. In the end, you two made up and things slowly got back to normal. You had forgiven Wukong, but this memory will stick forever in your head.


You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a hand wiping away the tears. You hadn't realized that you were crying silently. Macaque sat in front of you with a look of concern, "Hey, you okay?" He asked as he sat more comfortably across from you.

You chuckled and wiped the remaining tears, "Nothing, probably something got in my eyes." You lied as you smiled at him assuringly. Macaque frowned and crossed his arms, he knew why you were crying and he didn't like that you were still not over that event. He sighed and shook his head, "Look plum cake, everything is in the past and we need to move forward. It wasn't your fault. Now, if I ever see you cry over that ridiculous memory, I will trap you in the lantern." He declared with a serious tone. You knew that he just wants what's best for you, but you couldn't help but find his gesture adorable. You laughed lightly and nodded, "Okay okay, but don't order me around. It's not flashy." Macaque only sighed and pulled the tray of food closer.

"Eat up, I think I want to hear some stories after you finish."

"Sure! Oooh, you made me noodles? Great!"

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