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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Twenty Reality or Fake?╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Twenty
Reality or Fake?

❝ I don't approve of what's plain.❞

ALL YOU COULD SEE was darkness, everything was unclear and you couldn't recall what actually happened to you or how did you end up getting trapped. In fact, what was that scroll and why does it have that ink monster?

Now, you and Wukong were trapped in it.

You could hear the faint sounds of birds chirping in the backyard which made you groan, "Why so early?" You mumbled, raising the covers over your head. Suddenly, your fuchsia eyes snapped open and you sat up quickly, "What the-..." You trailed off, noticing the yukata you were wearing and familiar room around you. You were trapped in a scroll, weren't you supposed to be in a dark place filled with wondering and sad souls? How could you be in a cozy bedroom that somehow gave you nostalgia?

You looked beside you and saw three futons which raised more questions on your head. You took a moment to observe the room until it finally hit you, "W-Wait, this is my room. Does this mean..." You trailed off before pushing the blankets off you. You dashed out of room, running through the house that you knew like the back of your hand. You could hear sounds coming from outside.

"Stop hitting me!"

"You stop whining then!"

"You two, quit the argument. You will wake Y/N sama up."

For a moment, you thought that you ears were deceiving you. However, everything was confirmed when you saw the three men fighting. The first one to notice you was Hinatsuru, "Ah! Good morning Y/N sama, we are sorry for waking you up." He told you with an apologetic look. You bit your lips and did your hardest to not cry in front of them, but you did run to them and tackled the three men in a big hug, "I'm so happy to have you three back." You mumbled with relief which made your husbands look at each other with confusion.

"Uh, did you hit your head or something?" Makio asked with a raised eyebrow, giving you a light back pat. Suma cried and grabbed your face, "Woah! Y/N sama, are you dying? Please don't die!" He exclaimed before hugging you tightly.

"Suma, you're squishing her cheeks a lot." Hinatsuru stated with concern.

"Talking won't work with him, pull him away!"

"No! Makio you meanie!"

Makio strongly pulled Suma away from you which made him cry more. Meanwhile, Hinatsuru was trying to stop them. You watched them with a smile on your face.

You missed them so much.

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You were sitting outside, drinking some tea with your husbands. Since it was a beautiful day, you thought it would be pretty nice to have a quality time with them. After all, you missed them so much and wanted to spend as much time as possible.

"Y/N sama, what would you like for lunch?" Hinatsuru spoke up, handing you a cup of tea. You shrugged your shoulders, "Anything is fine by me." You replied and then took a sip of the the tea, letting out a content sigh. Suddenly, Makio asked something, "So, how was your mission last night? Did you get the demon?" He questioned, grabbing a mochi. You almost choked on your tea, but quickly composed yourself, "My mission... Uh..." You trailed off with uncertainty, seeing your three husbands looking at you with curiosity.

You couldn't recall what mission was Makio talking about. In fact, you couldn't recall any mission at all... other than the one your three husbands died at.

"Wait! I saw the three of them die that day, how can they be alive?"

"Y/N sama!"

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Hinatsuru calling you, "Are you alright? You seem to be bothered." He asked you, taking your hand in his and giving it a light squeeze. You shook your head and forced a smile on your face, "I'm alright, just a bit tired. No need to worry." You tried to assure him. The three looked at each other then back at you, "Y/N sama, I can give you cuddles if you want to." Suma suggested with a big grin on his face, leaning forward with sparkling eyes. However, Makio gave him a glare, "Nu-uh! If anyone is going to give Y/N sama cuddles, it should be me." He argued and that was the beginning of a fight between them. Hinatsuru sighed and facepalmed at their childish behavior.

You smiled a bit, but you couldn't shake the thought of them being actually gone. What was happening? Where these really your beloved husbands?


Sorry for the short chapter ( ̄▽ ̄;)

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