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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter NineSmartie Kid╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Nine
Smartie Kid

❝Things are going to get real flashy.❞

SANDY DROVE THROUGH the desert to god knows where. The weather was pretty hot and the air conditioner wasn't giving that much effect at all, but you have the ability to adjust your temperature to the weather which made you feel less hot and sweaty than the others. Yet again, you still need to get some sleep in order to regain some energy because this adventure will take longer than expected.

You laid on the lower bed and placed your hands behind your head after placing your swords beside your bed. Just as you closed your eyes, you heard Wukong talk, "Going to sleep, peaches?" He asked with his hands on his hips, leaning slightly to tower over you. You opened one eye and smiled, "Yeah, this flamboyant body needs some rest. Why don't you do the same? Pretty sure your fight with my dear lotus had tired you a lot." You replied with a teasing smile on your face.

"Yeah, you're-... Wait, what? Your dear lotus? Are you really still-..."

"Yup, until he says yes."

Wukong huffed and crossed his arms, "I don't know why you are still proposing to him, I'm way better than him as a husband." He protested as he turned his head away to hide his displeasure. You chuckled and closed your eyes, "You sure are, my king." Upon hearing the nickname, Monkey King blushed because he wasn't expecting such a name. He scratched the back to his head, trying to act cool, "Uh... I'm going to meditate, get some rest." He stated before turning to leave. You smiled and closed your eyes, taking a rest for at least a few minutes.


"Y/N! Hey, wake up!"

You frowned when you felt someone shaking you lightly. You let out a groan and opened your eyes to see Mk was the one trying to wake you up, "What's the matter, kid?" You asked as you sat up, stretching your arms. Mk nervously laughed, "Ah, yes... the van is overheated and we might get stuck here for a while." He explained while rubbing the back of his head. You sighed and stood up, picking up your swords, "Such good news, thanks kiddo." You spoke up and ruffled his hair. You and Mk made your way out, seeing everyone dying from thirst and your husband still meditating. You approached Sandy first, "So, what happened?" You asked the blue guy who smiled at you with a bit of nervousness.

He turned to face you, "Well, the engine is in bad state, but I will try to fix it." He answered as more smoke came from the van. You sighed and looked up at the sky, putting a hand over your eyes, "Darn it, the van couldn't handle the weather." You thought before lowering your head. Suddenly, Tang started to yell out of happiness.

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