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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Twenty-One The Curse╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Twenty-One
The Curse

❝I don't approve of what's plain.❞

YOU WERE SUPPOSED to on a mission to look for a demon, but your mind was distracted. What was happening to your mind? You couldn't think straight! Your three husbands who were assumed to be dead are now alive and fine. How was this even possible?

"Wait, the scroll..."

You could recall what happened when you were with Wukong and Mk. The ink took in Monkey King then it took you as well. You could also remember Suma talking to you before you were pulled you into the abyss, he was covered in ink. Not only your husbands alive, your comrades from the demon slayer corps were alive as well even though you had witnessed their deaths at the final battle. You stopped in your tracks and clenched your fists tightly, "Could this be all... fake?" You mumbled with your eyes squinting a bit. Suddenly, you heard a faint sound around you. Your hand immediately went to your swords, "I know you're here, come out." You spoke up with a warning tone, hearing the sound now coming from behind.

You swiftly gripped a kunai and threw it at the person approaching you, but they dodged it and to your surprise it was Hinatsuru, "Hinatsuru? What are you doing here?" You asked as you removed your hand from your sword. The dark haired man snapped out of his shock and looked at you with calm eyes, "I thought it would be good to help you in your mission." He told you with a soft smile on his face.

Now that was suspicious.

You narrowed your fuchsia eyes a bit and raised an eyebrow, "Help me? That's new." You uttered, keeping your guards up for some reason. Normally, none of your husbands would help in a mission you unless you requested it from them. This confirmed that everything around you is most probably fake. You pulled out your swords and pointed at him, "Who are you?" You asked while glaring at your husband's impersonator. Hinatsuru stared at you with wide eyes upon seeing you pointing your sword at him, "What do you mean who am I, Y/N sama? I'm your husband, Hinatsuru." He answered you with a soft smile, acting all innocent.

You didn't buy it and gritted your teeth in frustration, "Don't mess with me! Hinatsuru would never suggest helping me out of blue, so who are you?" You exclaimed, pouring out all of your anger. Hinatsuru remained quiet for a couple of seconds before he let out a chuckle, "Well, aren't you a smart one? You got me." He said with mocking tone. Suddenly, his body started to cover in ink and his eyes flashed in cyan color.

"How dare you impersonate my husband!"

"It was necessary in order to... fool you. You fell for it so easily."

You couldn't hold it anymore and launched yourself at the curse, slashing it with your sword. However, it quickly regenerated as if nothing happened. It laughed again as it reappeared behind you, "Don't you feel guilty?" The curse whispered in your ear, using your husbands' voices together. You froze in place as the curse shifted to look like Suma, "You got to live and they died to protect you." It said while faking being so sad and about to cry. It then turned to Makio and crossed its arms, "They just died because of your reckless actions." You clenched your fists tightly around your sword, frustration taking over you. It shifted again to look like one of your siblings, "You even killed your own siblings to stay alive, so selfish." It taunted you slyly.

You screamed and swung your swords at it, making the curse shift into Hinatsuru again and laugh, "Shut up! You know nothing!"

"Look at you, living in denial. It's all your fault. You're not a hero, you're just selfishly pushing others to make your job easier. I'm pretty sure your entire family despise you."

You wanted to decapitate this thing and destroy it, but it was impossible, "It enjoys my distress and guilt to taunt me..." You thought and took in a deep breath. A smirk tugged on your lips and looked up at the curse, "No, you don't know them. You don't know anything." You smirked confidently, placing one of your swords on your shoulder.

"I might have killed my siblings, but we all fought, unaware that we were fighting each other. My husbands aren't the type to haunt me for this, they had always been ready to sacrifice themselves for me. I know that for sure."

You then pointed at it with your sword, "So don't pretend that you know them. I will not tolerate you deceiving me by my husbands." You stated firmly, your smirk replaced with a scoff. The curse frowned and tsk-ed, "Don’t think this is the end, I still have more up my sleeves. There's someone else to use." With that being said, the curse disappeared. You sighed and looked up at the night sky, "This thing won't leave me alone, but what did it mean someone else to use?" You thought for a moment before it clicked in your head, "Mk..." You trailed off, feeling concerned about the boy.

Suddenly, you heard another sound and thought that it was the curse again, so you threw another kunai at it. However and to your surprise, it was Tang who froze when the kunai hit the tree beside him, "Tang? What are you doing here?" You asked then saw Mei, Sandy and Pigsy come out from behind the bushes.

"Y/N! Oh, we're glad we found you."

Mei rushed to you and hugged you tightly, the others joining you, "How did you get here?" You asked them which made the group sweatdrop nervously. Tang cleared his throat and fixed his glasses, "It's a long story, but we don't have time for now." He stated, gripped a golden staff in his hands.

"What do you mean?"

"We have to find Mk, he is missing." Pigsy replied to your question.

You stared at them for a moment then nodded, "Alright, let's get going." With that being said, Tang tapped his staff, teleporting you to Mk's location... hopefully.

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