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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Fifteen Time to be Warriors ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Fifteen
Time to be Warriors

❝I don't approve of what's plain.❞

YOU GROANED AND opened your eyes slowly, finding yourself laying on something soft. You couldn't quite recall what happened last thing, everything was blurry. You sat up and winced when you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder.

You looked down and saw bandages wrapped around your wound, "I remember... Lady Bone did this, but what about Wukong? Is he okay?" You thought as you stared around you for a moment. You noticed that you were in some sort of a temple that you had never seen in your life. Just then, a shadow covered you, "Oh, you woke up." You looked up and saw Sandy towering over you, there was a friendly smile on his face. You nodded your head and put on a proud smirk, "Of course, you all thought I will die in unflashy way, didn't you?" You hissed when felt the pain from your injury. Sandy chuckled and offered his hand to help you up, "Let me help you, miss Y/N. We managed to catch the two evil guys who helped Lady Bone Demon." He informed which surprised you a bit.

You knew that the Mayor was LBD lapdog, but who was the other person? You took Sandy's hand and let him help you stand up. He led you to the place where they had Lady Bone's helpers tied up. Once you reached there, you could see the Mayor and Macaque tied up with ropes. Anger raised up when you saw your husband tied up, "Why is Macaque tied up like this?!" You exclaimed which made Mk and his friends flinch in surprise and fear. They all looked at you with a bit of confusion and a lot of fear, "H-H-He is a bad guy, he helped Lady Bone and forced us to use the Samadhi Fire." The first one to speak was Tang who was shaking in his pants. You gritted your teeth in frustration, "I don't care! Do you think I will let you tie my husband like that and let it pass?" You yelled in anger, veins popping on your face.

"Husband?!" Tang, Pigsy, Mk, and even Redson exclaimed in unison.

"But isn't Monkey King your husband?" Mk asked you with puzzlement, scratching the back of his head. You sighed and crossed your arms, "He is also my husband, I have two." You corrected him which made everyone aside for Sandy to give you a weird look, "Is that allowed? To have more than one husband?" Redson questioned, being unsure of how to feel about this great reveal. You rolled your eyes on an annoying way, "That's none of your business." You declared sharply.

Just then, Macaque chuckled, "It's okay, Plum Cake. We're team mates now." He said as he opened a portable beneath him to fall into. When he returned back, he was free from his restraints, "What? You could have freed yourself this whole time?" Pigsy exclaimed with shock. He laughed lightly, "What can I say? I'm dramatic." He mocked with a teasing smirk on his face.

In short, Mk explained their plan to you and what they were going to do in order to defeat Lady Bone Demon. He also told you that Wukong go possessed by her and that made you rage. At first, both Macaque and Mk refused to let you join due to your injury. However, you insisted to go and help them in this mission to save Wukong. You couldn't just stand still and watch that demon use your husband to achieve her destiny. With that goal in your head, you joined the team to save Monkey King and the whole world.

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You all sat in the van to go to the Bone Mech where Lady Bone was waiting for your arrival. Redson had opened a portable to teleport the van to the Mech much quicker.

Meanwhile, you sat in the back, trying to move your shoulder to ease the pain. Macaque sat beside you, he had a concerned look on his face, "Are you sure you will be alright? You're injury is still fresh." He asked you, taking a hold of your hand. You chuckled and turned your head to him, "No need to worry, Mac. I'm a tough cookie." You sarcastically said with a confident smile on your face. Although Macaque didn't appear certain by what you said, he decided to play along and trust you. He knew that you're capable of doing more than just fight with an injury, as you said you're a tough cookie.

You stood up and went to Mk, "Kid..." You called him out and earned his attention, "I'm counting on you to bring Wukong back to me." You said as you ruffled his hair. For a split second, you saw his eyes sparkle before he hugged you, "I will! I will make sure you have him back and destroy Lady Bone once and for all." He assured, feeling his self-esteem boosting up when you smiled at him.

"Come on, kid. Let's go." Macaque called out as he opened the back door to the van. The boy joined him and the two jumped off the vehicle, transforming into birds and flew off. You on the other hand climbed up the van and jumped on the ground, chasing after Macaque and Mk. However, you noticed something from the corner of your eye, "Ne Zha..." You mumbled, seeing the Lotus Prince trapped in the ice. You changed your direction and ran to him, "Ne Zha, you okay?" You asked, worried about him. The prince groaned and opened his eyes, "Miss Y/N, what are you doing here?" He replied to you with question of his own. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw that he was awake, "It doesn't matter right now. Let me get you out of here first." You stated as you prepared to pull your swords out. 

"Leave me here!"


"You need to go, Lady Bone Demon managed to control Wukong and she won't stop until and that boy are out of her way."

Your lips went into thin line and your eyes remained on him, "We have set a plan to deal with LBD, so you don't need to worry. She is going to lose." You assured him as you gripped the hands of your swords tight. Ne Zha sighed and shook his head, "In this case, you must go and help them instead of helping me. They will need as much help as possible." He said with a serious look on his face. Your fuchsia eyes widened slightly in surprise, "Are you kidding? I can't leave you here." You retorted, totally not pleased with what he said.

"Just go, I will be fine... I promise." You saw a small smile forming on his face. You couldn't help but let out a sigh and nodded, "Alright, I will return to let you out." With that being said, you gave Ne Zha a kiss on his cheek and went to help your husband. Ne Zha was left with a red face due to the unexpected kiss, "Is this woman serious?"

You ran as fast as your legs could carry you, reaching the Mech. You could feel it in your body, you were going to win this fight for sure. You just can feel it.

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