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╭────╯🎵╰────╮Chapter Sixteen Destiny Fulfilled ╰────╮🎵╭────╯

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Chapter Sixteen
Destiny Fulfilled

❝I don't approve of what's plain.❞

YOU RAN AS FAST as possible, trying to catch up to Macaque and Mk. They had reached there long ago before you, but you were going to use this chance to trap Wukong and try to free him.

Once you reached there, you saw Macaque struggling against Wukong. You knew this would happen because of how strong Wukong was and now that he was possessed, his powers were mostly likely increased. You frowned and pulled your swords out, "Sorry, peach pie. We have to do this the hard way." You mumbled and leaped in the air with your swords over your head. You took in a deep breath, preparing your first attack.

"Sound Breathing: First Form: Roar!"

The moment you got close to Wukong, you brought your swords down on him. However, Wukong held your swords with both of his hands with ease. He looked up at you with an emotionless face and that made you growl, "Never thought you could block this attack." You said, forcing a confident smirk on your face. You pulled your swords strongly from his grasp and landed away from him, "Y/N!" You heard Macaque calling you. You looked around and saw him struggling to stand up, "You're still injured, you can't fight him!" He exclaimed, concern obvious on his face. You felt that you weren't ready to fight him with an injury, but you weren't going to let it stop you. You had set your mind to save Wukong.

You smiled and took a fighting stance, "I can do it. I'm the queen of festivals, I don't go down without a fight!" With that being said, you readied yourself for round two. You breathed in and held the chain between your blades, "Sound Breathing: Fifth Form: String Performance." You started rotate your swords around and dashed forward, delivering some slashes. Wukong stood there for a few seconds before proceeding to avoid every slash you sent. Unfortunately, he managed to find an opening and punched you in the stomach, making you stumble away. You gasped and dropped one of your blades to hold your stomach, "This was... unexpected." You mumbled and forced a smile on your face.

Wukong suddenly ran to you, his fist ready to punch you. However, you quickly gathered your energy and you used both blades to hold back his punch, "Come on, Wukong. Are you really going to let her take over you?" You spoke to him, using this opportunity to kick him. You moved toward him to continue your fight.

"I know you can hear me. You have to snap out of this, Wukong! You must wake up! You're stronger than her!"

You and Monkey King exchange clashes until he got a hold of the fight. He punched and kicked you before throwing you to a small hill. You slammed there harshly and fell down limply. You didn't want to give up yet, you had to fight, but your body was too wounded to handle more beating. Monkey King approached you, his figure hovering over you. You smirked and looked up at him, "Guess I wasn't strong enough to match you..." You trailed off before you closed your eyes. Macaque watched in horror how Wukong picked you up and took you to the Lady Bone Demon.

He gritted his teeth in anger, "There's no stopping him, I must take her and leave." Once he said that, he teleported to your location on the Bone Mech. Meanwhile, Wukong dropped you on the ground and you groaned then forced your eyes to open. Your ears were buzzing as you watched Wukong walk past you to Mk, "Mk... run..." You tried to say out loud, but it came out as mumble. Suddenly, you felt yourself being picked up, "We have to leave." Macaque told you as he held you in his arms. You shook your head and pushed yourself away from him, "No, we have to fight... We have to get Wukong back, I don't want to lose him too." You replied and then fell down, but Macaque held your shoulders to keep you up.

He didn't understand what you meant by losing him too, but he will push it aside for now, "Let's go help Mk." The dark furried monkey snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you. He didn't want you to get hurt more, but he had to help you since you were very stubborn. Just then...

"Thanks for not giving up on me, bud."

You and Macaque froze upon hearing the voice of Wukong. You turned around and saw both Mk and Wukong pulling the staff out of the ground before a golden light shot high in the sky. Macaque helped you stand up on your feet and walked you to Wukong, "Ugh! I can still feel her crawling under my skin." You heard Wukong mumbled as he shivered. Mk tackled your husband in a tight hug, "I'm glad you're back." He said and pulled away slightly to look at his teacher.



The Monkey King turned around and saw you standing with Macaque's help a few feet away. You smiled and ran to him, pulling him in your embrace, "I'm glad I got you back." You mumbled, tightening your hug slightly. Wukong took a moment to remember his last encounter with you, "Wait. Y/N, are you okay? You're very injured, did I do this to you?" He asked as he looked at the bruises on your face while having a regretful look on his face. You were about to assure him, but Macaque stopped you.

"Uh, guys? Now that Wukong's not under her control."

"Oh no!" Mk add before a strong wave of wind was blasted. Lady Bone was very upset now that Wukong was out of her control, "Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny but I won't be undone by a troop of headstrong simians and a foolish arrogant woman!" She exclaimed in frustration.

Now, it was the time for the real battle to start.

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