Prologue 🥀

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Hope you enjoy xx







"Did you hear about the new kid?"

Minho paid attention quietly to his friends who started discussing about the new kid that had joined their school.

"Mm, only a little.. He's really quiet right?"

Minho had his arms folded on the lunch table with his head laying on top of it as he was trying to sleep from not sleeping the night before.

But he got intrigued about the new kid. It wasn't an everyday conversation between Changbin, Hyunjin and him so he had to listen in.

"Only a little?" Hyunjin asked surprised. "He's been here a week and everyone who tries to talk to him just gets ignored" He explained.

Minho furrowed his brows a little in confusion. It was a bit odd for someone new at their school not to try and make friends.

Changbin grinned "Let me guess he ignored you right?"

"Damn right he did! I'm friends with everyone and he looked me up and down as if I was some sort of dirt and walked off" Hyunjin exploded. Minho took this as his moment to suddenly wake up.

"Why are you so loud?" Minho sighed as he sat up. Hyunjin looked at him "Because the new kid infuriates me"

"Then try talk to him" Minho shrugged knowing damn well that the new kid had zero interest to talk to anyone.

Hyunjin scoffed "I won't even bother. He doesn't talk to anyone hyung he's actually a loner" He folded his arms.

Changbin laughed as he opened up his small carton of milk that he got with his lunch. "You're already calling him a loner?" He asked. Hyunjin nodded "Yeah. And I'll make sure everyone knows that"

Minho frowned. Hyunjin was known by everyone and adored by everyone and when he said something about someone everyone would believe it and spread it.

Minho felt bad. Maybe the new kid was just trying to get comfortable with the school before trying to be friends with people. Now Hyunjin was about to ruin that opportunity.

"Give him a chance" Minho nudged Hyunjin's arm. "He's probably just shy" He added. Hyunjin looked at him plainly "No hyung. He isn't like that" He spoke.

"Then what's he like?"

"He'll look at you as if you're nothing" Hyunjin stated. "I felt so stupid when he looked me up and down" He mumbled.

"I bet he thinks he's some god or something that no one is allowed near"

Minho rolled his eyes. "I'll try talk to him then" He got up. Hyunjin looked at him with shock "Are you dumb? I just told you what he's like-"

"I'll see it for myself" Minho said. "Where is he?"

Changbin pointed over to the corner of the lunch room. There by himself sat the new kid scrolling through his phone with only a couple of other people sitting at the other end of the table paying no attention to him.

Minho hummed lightly. "Fair enough" he began walking over despite hearing Hyunjin's protests.

He decided to bring his lunch tray with him. Once he reached the table he pulled at the chair across from the boy.

"Is this seat taken?" Minho asked. The boy looked up at him with a straw still in his mouth from the juice he was drinking.

Minho saw the look Hyunjin was on about. But he wouldn't think he felt stupid from it. The look he received was a blank stare. One showing no emotion or remorse for how Minho felt.

Despite how awkward it made Minho feel, he stood his ground.

The chair he had his hand on was pulled a bit. "Yeah it is" The boy said looking back down to his phone as Minho looked down to see that the boy had put his feet on the chair he asked if was taken.

Minho let out an airy laugh. "Chairs aren't for you to rest your legs on you know" He said throwing the boy's legs off and sitting down quickly before the boy could even move.

Minho heard a heavy sigh from the boy across from him. "So you're new right?" Minho began.

The boy looked at him again with the same blank stare. He nodded slightly. Minho smiled as if he achieved the impossible. "Cool! Do you like the school so far?"

The boy's eyes stared at his phone for another while before he turned it off and stared at Minho directly into his eyes.

Minho felt extremely awkward now. He shifted in his chair as he was being stared down. The boy eyed him up and down just like he did with Hyunjin.

"Why are you talking to me?" He asked. Minho blinked a few times to regain his composure. "Um.. Because you're new and I wanted to talk to you-"

"Well I don't want to talk to you" The boy pushed his chair back and stood up. "So quit being annoying and fuck off"

Minho felt angry. He was so shocked at how the boy spoke to him that he just sat there and watched him walk off.

It was a few moments after he left that Minho went back to his table where Changbin and Hyunjin had watched the whole ordeal.

"Well that went well" Hyunjin said sarcastically. Minho sat down quietly. "He's odd" He mumbled.

Changbin hummed. "Just a bit" He chuckled. Hyunjin scoffed "A bit? He doesn't talk to anyone! Not even Minho" he pointed to the elder.

"And that's shocking cause everyone talks to Minho!" Hyunjin exclaimed. Changbin shrugged "He looked like he spoke to you"

Hyunjin looked at Minho. "Did he?"

Minho nodded "Kinda. But it was just him telling me to fuck off and that he doesn't want to talk to anyone"

Hyunjin gasped. "That's it man. I'm ruining his life" He scoffed. Changbin and Minho gave each other a glance but knew they couldn't stop Hyunjin.

"I'll find out his name and ruin that man's whole career" He got up and marched around the lunch room to some of the people he knew well.

Minho sighed. "That poor kid" He mumbled. Changbin furrowed his brows "You still feel bad for him after he told you to fuck off?"

Minho shook his head. "No I'm pissed but like he doesn't deserve to have his entire life in a new school ruined because he doesn't want to talk to people"

Changbin laughed. "You're too kind" He stated. Minho groaned and put his head back down against the table as Hyunjin came back over.

"Got his name guys!"

"That quick?"

"Oh is hyung asleep again?" Hyunjin asked looking at Minho leaning against the table. Changbin hummed "Yep"

"Well his name is Han Jisung" Hyunjin sat down. Minho engraved that name in his head. Han Jisung.

Minho scoffed lightly to himself that no one could hear.

Han Jisung. The loner of the school.

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Heyyyy here we go again!!!!

I'm acc really excited about this one iwl 🤭🤭🤭

I noticed I post the first chapter of a story when I'm writing like an intimate scene so you can imagine what I'm writing for this one atm😜😜😜

ANYWAY I HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS STORY!!! it feels good to be posting again

Updates will be slow since I'm still writing and this one will be more of a fast paced book methinks

Anyways as always have a great day or night xxx

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