Sixty Six🥀

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Hey kid
Will I see you at the dinner get together later?

You're alive?

Sorry for not saying anything in a while Min

Bro I'm mad at you

I just needed some time
to think

Mm i get that but
Like you could've told me?

Sorry Minho
But look, I'll make it up to you okay?

I don't want to apologise over text like we've had some teenage drama

Lmao imagine

How's Jisung?

U care?

Isn't he your boyfriend?

Well he's good
In many ways

Lee minho


You've grown up on me

Bro told me to act my age and now he's saying I'm grown up

Dad this could be ur fault 👀


Do u know anything that happened
Since Kangjae died?

Not really no



What have u done

I'm ur boss now bitch😜😜😜


I'm KJ's new leader

Minho's phone began ringing but he didn't exactly want to answer it.

Jisung was cuddling from behind since they were lying in bed and he was kissing the back of his neck every now and again and feeling up his hips and waist making it hard to concentrate.

"Ji baby, stop for a second" Minho mumbled. Jisung sighed and stopped. Minho answered the call.

"You're WHAT!?" His father shouted into the phone. Minho Brought the phone slightly away from his ear.

Jisung had heard his dad shouting and gave him a confused look. Minho shook his head in return in a way to tell him it was okay.

"I'm the new leader" He replied. "You work for me" He grinned as his dad just gasped loudly. "So I grieve for months over my brother... While my son became the leader of a mafia?"

Minho hummed in reply. "You're a bit late to the party but we can celebrate later"

Jisung felt his stomach turn a little as he thought about the dinner. Yeah, he'd have his mom and Minho but meeting Minho's parents still scared him.

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