Twenty Six🥀

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Minho walked into his dorm and saw Jisung sitting on the sofa with wet hair and a towel around his shoulders.

He must've taken a shower. Minho continued to look at him for a while.

Say something idiot!

"I'm back" He looked at the time on his phone. He was a few minutes later than usual but Jisung hadn't asked where Minho was.

It wasnt normal. Jisung hated when Minho was late.

"Sorry.. I'm a bit late.. I was with...Daekyun" Minho continued to speak as if he has been asked where he was.

"Don't worry though... We just stayed back to finish projects" He added. Jisung didn't reply to him and a cold tension was present in the dorm.

Minho gulped a little before going to put his stuff into his room. Jisung hadn't even looked at him.

Not even a glance.

Minho hated it so much. He would have rather had Jisung being bratty and mean than having nothing at all.

Minho let out a sigh as he reminded himself the possibility that Jisung was just ignoring him so he could overwork himself for the mafia.

Minho had seen how Jisung would go to the gym nearly three times a day if he could manage. He was skipping classes just to go and he was disappearing late into the evening not coming back til late into the night.

He left his room and went to sit beside Jisung. "How are you?" Minho asked. No reply.

"Did you go to the gym today?" He continued asking questions. Jisung again didn't reply. He was scrolling on his phone through what looked like endless paperwork a CEO of a company might have to look through.

"What ya doing?" He went to look closer but Jisung turned off his phone and got up from the sofa walking over to the kitchen.

Minho frowned. This isn't gonna be as easy as Daekyun is making it out to be...

He got up and followed Jisung to the kitchen where he saw Jisung getting some water.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Minho asked another question that received no answer.

"Are you just gonna ignore me?" He folded his arms growing impatient. Jisung put the glass back into the sink and washed it out before drying it off and putting it back into the cupboard with the glasses.

"Yah Jisung" Minho called as Jisung went to go to his room. "Yah Han Jisung!"

Jisung stopped at his door for a moment.

"Quit ignoring me! You're such a fucking hypocrite! You told me it's rude to not look at people when speaking to them and I'm speaking to you and you're not even bothered to look or talk back!" He exclaimed.

Jisung still didn't move.

"And if your mad at me that's fine but fucking hell it's hard to not know what I've done to make you ignore me for nearly four weeks!" Minho continued.

Jisung opened his room door and closed it behind him without a word. Minho sighed.

It was hopeless.

He took out his phone and texted Daekyun

Daekyun bestie👹

I don't think this idea is gonna work
I just like told him why I'm upset and

He just ignored me anyway

Oh damn babe that's rough
Where is he?

Screw loose//minsung Where stories live. Discover now