Twelve 🥀

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Changbin, Minho and Jisung were sitting down at lunch when Hyunjin came over and sat down with them.

Minho was happy to see him but also confused. He thought Hyunjin would be ignoring them.

"You're sitting with us!" Minho smiled. Hyunjin didn't take his eyes from the food tray in front of him. "No one else is fun" he mumbled.

Changbin patted his back "It's okay" He chuckled. Hyunjin looked at Jisung. Jisung had been quiet this time. He hadn't said anything rude.

Minho feared that would end quickly. Jisung looked over at Hyunjin. "What?"

"I hate you" Hyunjin glared. Jisung shrugged "And I should care why because?"

"I will ruin your life" Hyunjin scoffed. Jisung laughed "Oh babe I can ruin yours in the blink of an eye" He turned to Minho.

"Right Min?" he held a soft smile. His tone always changed when he spoke to the elder. It was happier and brighter rather than dark and almost evil.

Changbin choked on his food. "Jisung. Context please" He covered his mouth. Hyunjin stared in horror.

That's when Minho realised what they thought he meant. Jisung rolled his eyes "I didn't mean it like that Changbin"

"Get your head out of the gutter" He cringed. Minho went red as Jisung leaned his head on his shoulder. "Can't believe you" Jisung shook his head disgusted.

"You probably fuck people on the daily. Bet you play with people all the time" hyunjin stated. Jisung rolled his eyes "Girl where are you getting that from or is that another thing about me you're making up?"

Hyunjin hated how Jisung would talk back to him. He never had before but now he fully stood his ground.

Minho saw it as character development but then again he was also seeing himself as delusional.

"The only person I'd fuck is Minho" Jisung said bluntly. Changbin dropped his chopsticks. "Jisung enough" He said sternly.

The table went quiet. Jisung looked at Changbin and nodded. "Yeah sorry" he mumbled.

Hyunjin looked at Minho. "Hyung. Can I talk to you?" He asked. Minho glanced at Jisung who had lifted his head off his shoulder. Jisung shrugged "Not my problem"

Minho got up with Hyunjin leaving the lunch room to go for a walk around the garden outside.

"I wanted to talk in person" Hyunjin mumbled. "The whole texting apologies make me scared it's just a lie" He sighed.

Minho nodded "I get that" He replied. Hyunjin took a breath "Hyung tell me honestly are you and Jisung a thing?"


"But you're friends now?"

"Yes" Minho looked at Hyunjin slightly. "That's all we are" He added. Hyunjin hummed "Does he like you or something? He seems to enjoy being cuddly with you"

Minho shrugged "I don't know. But I don't mind... Hyunjin he's not as bad as you're making him out to be I swear"

Hyunjin frowned. "Hyung he's legit beaten up someone and he's part of a gang how can he not be bad?"

Minho understood where Hyunjin was coming from. He understood why he was wary to be friend with him.

"Plus he completly ignored me when I first met him. Like who does that?"

Minho shrugged. "again I told you before he could just be shy.. But you can see he changed he talks to you"

Hyunjin chuckled a little. "You like him don't you" he nudged Minho. "I understand that from the physical perspective not the personality one but go off"

Minho didn't know what to say to that. He couldn't exactly say he felt like he was being controlled.

"Look I'll try to be nice but don't expect miracles" Hyunjin warned. Minho nodded "I'm far away from miracles believe me"

The pair went back to the lunch room. Jisung had his head held down and he looked almost scared of whatever Changbin was saying.

Minho was the only one to notice this hut Hyunjin thought he was just on his phone.

"You're being fucking dumb" Was the last thing Minho heard out of Changbin when Hyunjin and him reached the table.

Jisung looked up at Minho with a small smile. Minho never saw Jisung look so vunrable but this time he felt the need to look at Changbin and question what the fuck he just did.

"What happened here?" Hyunjin asked as he noticed how Jisung looked actually sad. He sat down slowly as he stared at Changbin's furious face.

Jisung held onto Minho's arm. "Min can we go?" He asked softly. Minho never heard that tone from Jisung before.

Changbin had his eyes on them. Minho looked over "What the fuck did you say to him?" he asked.

Changbin stayed quiet. Minho scoffed. "Come on Ji" He got up and Jisung followed.

The pair began to walk off. Changbin turned around slightly "Jisung" He called.

Jisung turned back and looked at him. Minho saw the fierce look in Changbin's eyes one he never saw before.

"Remember" Jisung nodded to this lowly before walking off. Hyunjin gave a curt wave before leaving.

"Ji what was that about?" Minho asked as they walked back towards their dorm.

"Nothing" Jisung replied quickly. Minho frowned "But you look upset-"

"I'm not upset" Jisung snapped. Minho tensed again. "Oh.." He mumbled. Jisung grabbed Minho's hand and started to drag him toward their dorm.

"Wait Jisung-" He tried to get out of his hold but Jisung was stronger.

Once the reached the dorm, Jisung pushed Minho inside slamming the door before pushing him up against a wall and pressing his body against his.

"What are you doing-"

"Shut up"

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Soo what do you think😉😉😉

How are you hope you're well and all that jazz

Have a great day or night

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