Fifteen 🥀

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Once puling up outside a house in the middle of nowhere, Jisung handed Minho a mask.

"Wear this. I dont want them to know what you look like" He stated. Minho nodded taking the mask and putting it on.

Jisung got out of the car and Minho followed suit. Jisung walked to Minho's side as he stared at the house in fear.

"Nothings gonna happen to you" Jisung nudged him. "I won't let anything happen"

Minho nodded slightly. "How many people are... Here?" He asked. Jisung hummed thinking "There's me..." He counted up on his fingers.

"There's five main people which include me but then we have a whole training camp and then like over eight thousand people involved around the world so" Jisung explained as the reached the door.

Minho tried to process the number in itself but that wasn't something he would just imagine. Jisung put in a pin code to the door and opened it.

"After you" He smiled. Minho walked in and was met with a normal house. Jisung closed the door behind him and locked it with several locks on the other side.

"I was expecting some.. Criminal mastermind looking thing.. Not a normal house" Minho looked at Jisung as he stood beside him. Jisung laughed "I did live here my whole life"

The pair walked toward the back of the house to a small dining room. It was protected by more locks with Jisung undid.

Once the door opened, Minho began to panic as he was face to face with the rest of the mafia masterminds.

"Jisung you're late" One of them some. Jisung scoffed pulling Minho in by the hand "By legit three minutes shut the fuck up Hyung"

Minho always found Jisung's harsh tone hot but he knew he was just being rude. "Who's that?" The same man asked again.

Minho didn't know who he was. They didn't wear masks so Minho saw all their actual faces.

As he scanned over them, his eyes landed on.. Changbin? He thought to himself. His eyes widened as Jisung pulled him to his side.

"This is my boyfriend" Jisung rolled his eyes. Changbin laughed "Your other one?" he asked.

Minho looked at Jisung. "I'm only messing around with Minho hyung" he stated. Minho was confused.

"This is my boyfriend" Jisung stated again gesturing to Minho. Minho realised what Jisung was doing now.

He was making up that Minho as in his roommate wasn't anything to him but that Lee Know was.

"So you are messing with Minho hyung?" Changbin asked furious. Jisung shrugged "Not my problem"

"Why did you bring him with you?" The other man spoke. "You disrupted us" Jisung glared.

Minho gulped as all eyes were on him. "What's your name then?" The man asked him.

"Uh.. Lee know" He lowered his voice a little to make it unrecognisable. Jisung smiled "He's a bit sick" He stated.

"Jisung we can't trust him"

"But I do" Jisung replied. "He isn't part of a gang. He just does his own thing" He added. Minho hated how Jisung was making up some back story.

"Never part of a gang?" The man asked. Minho nodded "I don't know Ji-"

"Chan hyung" Jisung pouted. The man sighed after his name being revealed. "Fine. But if he tries to tell anyone anything-"

"I know I already planned his death hyung" Jisung replied. Minho's eyes widened.

Chan took out his laptop and turned it around. "Here's our next target" He pointed to a man on the screen.

"Multi billionaire but has been under questions for râpé and kidnapping children" He explained. Minho found these topics heavy. He didn't like hearing about it even if he knew it was happening.

He looked at Jisung and saw how focused his was. Minho bit his lip as he stared at the boy finding him extremely attractive.

"Not only that but he has a cell in his home with the children inside" Chan continued.

"Disgusting" One of the other spoke. Minho took notice of the boy's fox looking features.

"Our mission is to go into his house, kill him, take the money and children" Chan added on. "Then what do we do with the kids?" Changbin asked.

"We'll round them up, he has about fifteen of them, make sure they're alright and bring them to an area where they'll easily be found in the city centre with guards to mind them til daylight" he explained.

Jisung gasped "What if we brought them to police! Make it extra spicy" He clapped his hands. "And risk getting ourselves caught?" The boy with fox looking features spoke.

Jisung shrugged "Don't tell me it wouldn't be thrilling Jeongin" He replied. Minho took note of his name too.

"Guys we've been living so cautiously now why can't we do what we used to?" Jisung asked. Chan sighed "Both you and Changbin are in college and that is what you should be focusing on"

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Hyung you know I'm not going to get another job from going to college" He laughed.

"Especially you Jisung should be focusing on college more than the mafia" Chan spoke. Minho never thought that Jisung wouldn't have to focus on such a thing.

"But it's all I know hyung-"

"He wants you to live a normal life Ji" Changbin cut in. "But instead you're taking it as an advantage to use my best friend" he added on.

Jisung glared "I'm not using Minho" He replied. Changbin scoffed "Your new boyfriend is right beside you" He rolled his eyes.

Jisung looked at Minho. "Why would you tell Minho you're in the mafia and then make sure he doesn't tell anyone?" Changbin asked.

Minho's eyes widened. So he knew all along. Jisung shrugged "So he wouldn't leave me" He replied.

Chan sighed "Jisung" He said sternly. Jisung looked over at him in the same way Minho had seen him before sitting down to eat after shopping.

Jisung began to space out like he did back then. "Are you taking your pills?" He asked.

Minho looked at Jisung concerned. Jisung felt Minho's eyes on him and looked down at his lap before shaking his head.

Changbin sighed. Jeongin also looked worried. Then Jisung got a slap at the back of his head "Dumbass" another boy said.

"Shut up Seungmin" Jisung glared. Minho recalled that name.

Hyunjin's roommate? His eyes widened. Chan got up "Lee know right? Can you follow me"

Minho nodded getting up. He wasn't scared of Chan, he looked like a really nice person. Jisung pulled at Minho's arm. "What are you doing with him?"

Chan came over and pulled Minho out of Jisung's grip. "Relax. I'm not doing anything"

Jisung stayed quiet. It was a first Minho saw Jisung let someone do something without giving permission for them to take Minho away.

It felt odd not having that since Minho had grown used to it in such little time.

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