Fourty Five🥀

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Minho sat quietly as he ate his breakfast that Eunchae had made for him. It was just a selection of fruit and yoghurt but Minho felt sick to even eat much.

Eunchae was sweeping the floor to keep him company since his uncle wasn't home. She glanced at him and saw he wasn't eating and sighed. "You need to eat Minho"

Minho looked at her. "I feel sick" he mumbled in return. Eunchae frowned "Sick? Are you lactose intolerant?"

Minho shook his head. "No... I just feel so guilty for not telling my friends and boyfriend I had to leave"

Eunchae sighed and walked over to him, leaving her broom to fall onto the floor. She sat down at the chair closest to him. "There's nothing you could have done to tell them Minho. Your uncle wouldn't allow it"

Minho nodded. "I know.. But it makes me feel sick at the thought of my boyfriend seeing I'm gone.. He's so protective of me" he explained. Eunchae gave a small smile. "He seems like a really lovely guy"

Minho nodded. "I was gonna introduce him to my parents this week since dad was home but I can't do that now" he sighed.

Eunchae hummed. "Tell me what's his name?" she asked. Minho smiled "Jisung" he replied.

Eunchae hummed happy to see the boy smiling. "Jisung?" She repeated a small smile on her face. Minho nodded.

Eunchae chuckled a little. "Young love, I miss that" she smiled. "You know it doesn't get easier" She pointed at him.

Minho rose a brow. "It doesn't?"

"Next thing you know you'll be cooking and cleaning and minding your kids while your husband does fuck all" She tutted. "Though it's not like that anymore..." he mumbled. Minho laughed a little "Jisung and I do everything together though"

"That's the way me and my husband were too. Then we had kids... And well" She rolled her eyes.

Minho took a spoon full of his yoghurt. "Eunchae, I don't think we can have kids" He replied to her. Eunchae shrugged "Adoption exsits"

Minho's eyes widened. "I don't think we're gonna adopt anyone noona" He blushed. Eunchae pinched his cheek like he was still his child self in front of her.

"Well if you both survive these next few weeks, you'll be doing better than half of the couples in the world" She smiled. Minho hadn't realised but talking about Jisung had made him eat.

Eunchae smiled. "Now. Your training session is going to start in a few minutes so you'd better head to the training room"

Minho nodded. "Where is it?"

Eunchae pointed down a hallway. "The last door at the end of the hall" She said. Minho nodded. "Do you want help cleaning up? I feel bad just letting you take my dishes-"

"That's what I'm paid for honey, now go" she smiled. Minho nodded.

He made his way down the hallway that Eunchae had told him to go down and saw the big double door at the end. He gulped a little as he walked down there.

He was scared to say the least. He wondered if his trainer would be nice to him or not.

He didn't imagine they would be if this was the mafia. They were going to be harsh. Minho had assumed but he wasn't sure completly what to expect.

He was at the door and heard loud noises of a bag being punched. His trainer was obviously inside waiting for him.

Minho let out a breath. You got this.

He opened the door and quickly bowed. He didn't take a look at the trainer yet as he was slightly scared to.

The punching bag was stopped and then heavy breathing followed.

Minho gulped as he heard someone walking. Why couldn't he lift his head? Was he that scared-

"Minho?" His trained asked. Minho nodded but didn't catch onto the confused tone that the trainer had used.

Minho bowed again. Look up this time idiot he told himself.

He bowed "Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Minho. Hopefully I won't be too hard to train" He then looked up and his heart stopped.


The freckled boy stood there frozen just as much as Minho was. "You-" Minho stuttered.

"You?" Felix replied in the exact same tone.

Minho blinked fast, trying to process what the fuck was going on. "You're.. Part of my uncle's mafia!?" He asked.

Felix's eyes were wide. "You're Kangjae's nephew!?"

The pair just stared at each other. Minho held his head "This is fucking with my brain-"

"Have you even checked your phone? Jisung is going insane trying to find you" Felix exclaimed. Minho felt sick all over again.

"Felix. I'm not allowed to tell anyone where I am" He replied. "And now that includes you" he sighed.

Felix nodded. "That makes no sense though" he shrugged. "But I won't tell anyone"

Minho furrowed his brows. "Not even Jisung?" He was surprised how quick Felix was to agree to not say a word.

Felix nodded. "Not even Jisung. I'm good at keeping secrets Minho" He replied. "You never even knew I was part of the mafia huh?"

Minho shook his head. "I just.. Wow" He laughed. Felix smiled. "I know right" he laughed. "I'm mostly just a trainer though" he shrugged.

"Anyway. I am training you now so come on" He pulled Minho into the room a bit more.

It was practically a gym just the size of a hall you'd see in a school.

"Do you know any fighting techniques?" He asked. Minho shook his head. "I could probably throw a punch but that's all" he shrugged.

Felix hummed. "Alright then. I want to see your reflexes first though" he spoke. Minho nodded.

Felix then threw a punch toward Minho but he dodged it. His eyes were wide "Felix!" he exclaimed.

Felix hummed a little as he thought to himself. "Sorry" He laughed. Minho continued to look at him shocked.

"Oh hyung, look over there!" He smiled. Minho turned his head, Felix went to put him in a headlock but Minho's reflexes were quick as he ducked down making Felix trip over him.

Felix tumbled to the ground and looked at his hyung. "Okay. Your reflexes are on another level" he laughed.

Minho smiled awkwardly. "Thank you?" he replied. Felix nodded "Well, I'll start with teaching you the basics of fighting then" he smiled.

Minho nodded as they both got up from the floor.

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Hey hey heyyy

Bahaha plot twist

Hope you have a great day or night xx

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