Sixty Five🥀

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Jisung woke up the next morning - late into the afternoon - to the sound of his phone ringing.

He groaned and moved around a little. Minho was knocked out beside him and it only made Jisung remember what they did last night.

Jisung looked at Minho's neck for a moment and mentally died at how marked it looked.

Not one part of Minho's neck was left untouched by Jisung's lips. Jisung sat up after that and went to grab his phone.

He picked up his pants from the floor and took out the device before falling back down to rest beside Minho.

Minho turned around and moved closer to Jisung's body. Jisung put an arm around him before answering the call on his phone.

"Hello?" He mumbled, voice deep and raspy from just waking up. "Hi sweetie"

Jisung's sleepiness wore off the moment he recognised Eunchae's voice. "Oh mom? Is everything okay?" He asked.

Eunchae hummed. "Of course! I wanted to call because I was thinking of having a little family dinner" She explained. "With Minho's parents of course" she chuckled.

Jisung gulped unsure of how he felt having to meet Minho's parents. Especially if one of them was related to Kangjae.

"I don't know..." Jisung tried to keep quiet but it was hard to act as if he was awake and not have slept the entire morning straight through.

"Minho's parents are lovely Jisung!" She exclaimed. "You met them when you were small"

That's what caught Jisung's attention. "Wait.. What?" He asked. Eunchae hummed "Sure we used to visit Minho's uncle a lot when you were a child"

Jisung looked down at Minho. "So... Have I known Minho since I was small?" He asked in disbelief. Eunchae nodded and let out a soft hum "Yes, I'm surprised you didn't know that... Oh my-have I just dumped that info onto you?" She asked worried.

Jisung pushed Minho's hair out of his face. "Yeah... Just slightly" He then smiled. "I'll ask Minho later about the dinner thing" He mumbled.

Eunchae chuckled "Of course of course" She smiled. "See you later Ji!"

"Bye mom"

Jisung put his phone down and moved back down under the covers properly. He checked the time and sighed.

It was nearly 2pm. He probably should wake Minho up and do something with the day.

He did feel hungry.. For food.

Jisung looked at Minho's closed eyes and just admired the boy. His long eyelashes and shrap features that looked softer while he slept, his soft breathing, his plump lips.

Minho was ethereal and Jisung just wanted to look at him like he was a piece of art.

But wouldn't it be fun to hurt him?

Brain shut the fuck up

It's all you-

No fuck off

Jisung shook his head a little. He hadn't taken his pills at the time he usually did - since he was sleeping - so the voices were expected but be was more than capable to handle them.

Jisung sighed and decided to wake Minho up. "Minho" He kissed his forehead.

Minho hummed tiredly. "Come on love, we have to get up" Jisung mumbled quietly. Minho cuddled into Jisung more. "No..." He spoke, his mind completely fogged on everything that had happened.

Jisung hummed before wrapping his arms around Minho and pulling him on top of him. Minho whined and then let out a painful yelp.

Jisung stopped what he was doing and put Minho back. Minho was fully awake and definitely aware of what had went down last night now.

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