✖️❌Chapter 2❌✖️

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James's POV:

I woke up in a puddle of my own blood and tears. I stood up feeling sick and broken

I slowly walked to the bathroom and got into the shower. My body burned. Not in a good soothing way but in a way that I didn't want it. Tears started running down my face and I got out of the warm water.

I looked at myself in the mirror and the tears fell harder. The marks from the belt were bad. and you could see the imprints from the iron. I ran my hand over one of the large gashes on my stomach from the belt.

I winced at the pain and then walked to my wardrobe. I decided on a large oversized grey sweatshirt and black skinny jeans. I slipped on my black converse and grabbed my bag. I walked down to see my father waking up. I flinched and ran out of the door just in time to be yanked back by my hair. I yelped in pain and was slammed into the floor of my house.

"Leaving before our morning time?" He asked me. I shook my head and he slapped me across the face. I winced in pain and he wrapped his hand around my throat and I got lightheaded. Then he let me go and pushed me out of the house.

"You better be home on time tonight." He yelled back at me. I 'walked' as quickly as possible to school. I got there out of breath and in an unbearable amount of pain. All I wanted to do was collapse into a pile of tears.

I got my stuff from my locker and then shut it. When I turned around I saw the one and only, Mikey Johnson. He saw my face and his smile started to fade.

I tried to walk away but I was slammed against a locker by one of his apes. I yelped in pain when the hinge of the locker dug into a bruise on my back. I let one tear leave my eyes.

"Look the faggot is crying. Can't even stand a small shove." Mikey's best friend Jack said. I saw Mikey crack a large smile. I was punched in the gut once before I was released.

I stood up after a few minutes, then walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that my cheek was red from my father this morning. I walked out and saw Mikey making out with a stuck up slutty girl.

I walked back into the crowded hallways to be shoved and pushed. I finally made it to English and sat down in my seat. I watched as Mikey walked into the room. He sent me a cold glare and continued on with his day.

I didn't know what to do with my life at this point. I wanted to scream. I don't understand why everybody hates me. I never talk, I've never hurt anybody in my life, but all I endure is insane amounts of pain. The day went fast. My mind kept me running. When the final bell rang I walked out of class.

I was able to safely make it out of the school but as I was walking home I was pushed against a fence. I looked up to see Mikey's blue eyes staring down at me. I whimpered when he dug his fingers into my shoulder. He was strong.

"Why are you so sensitive today?" He asked I yelled out in pain when he punched me in the stomach. I looked up and thought I saw regret in his eyes. He took his hand off of my shoulder and got into his car. I started walking back to my house. When I got there I saw my dad. He was sitting down on the couch watching tv.

"Go make dinner you worthless shit, I have friends coming over." My dad yelled at me. Well shit, I'm dead. I quickly went into the kitchen and started making food. I cooked them chicken and when it was done, I almost got away safely but I was yanked back down by one of my dad's buddies.

"Where do you think you're going?" I looked up at the older man and he had a look of hatred in his eyes.

"I w-was gonna d-do my h-homework." I managed to stutter. He looked down at me and kicked me hard in the gut. I yelped out in pain and my dad came over laughing at his pathetic son. I slowly stood up just to be pushed back down by my own father. I was then engulfed into 4 grown men repeatedly kicking me. I fell unconscious but could still feel the hits, until it all stopped.

Mikey's POV:

I woke up to an already empty house but I could still feel the love that was around this house. I got out of bed and took a quick shower. I couldn't stop thinking of James and his beautiful blue eyes and his soft skin. He was perfect.

When I was fully dressed in a white t-shirt and blue skinny jeans, I thought of his perfect face. I couldn't wait to see his pale but perfect skin. I knew that I had a reputation to keep up by bullying James but I could always see how much pain he hid behind his eyes.

I walked downstairs and saw a note that had money with it. I grabbed the money and put it in my pocket the read the note.

Good Morning Sweetie,
I didn't have enough time to cook you breakfast so I hope you could get something at school. I left some money for you. Please have a good day, and be nice to everybody you meet.
Love Mom <3

I smiled at the small note and then left for school. While I was on my way I saw James. He was limping and kind of running from his house. I looked at the door and I saw a mad looking man. I wasn't sure what to think of this but I just continued on with my day.

I walked into the school and saw my buddies gathered around. I smiled when I saw James and then I knew what was about to happen. He shut his locker and I came face to face with the small boy that I have given my heart to. Then I noticed a red mark on his face. It looked like a hand print.

He tried to run but it was too late Jack had him slammed against the lockers. He yelped and I was surprised to see a tear. He has never cried in front of us, but he did from a shove.

"Look the faggot is crying. Can't even stand a small shove." Jack snorted. I grinned at him and the Jack punched him hard in the gut and we left. He looked so small. I saw my 'girlfriend' Ally walking towards me.

"Excuse me guys" I said to my friends. We walked hand in hand to an empty space in the hallway. Then she forcefully pushed our lips together and stuck her tongue down my throat. it was disgusting, but all I could think was how much I wish this was James.

As if on cue I saw James walking out of the bathroom. I then kissed her harder and he looked over almost looking disappointed. I then acted like Ally was James. Then the bell rang and we separated. I walked into class and glared at James. I don't really know why I did this, but I did. He looked completely out of it all day, going through his, sadly, daily routine.

When school was over I saw James walking home. I pulled over and slammed him against the fence of a nearby house and he winced in pain. Poor kid. I dug the tips of my fingers into his shoulder and he made a sad sound like a small abused puppy.

"Why are you so sensitive today?" I asked. I then punched him hard in the stomach and he almost yelled. He usually never makes a noise. I soon felt bad and took my hand off of his shoulder and went to my car.

"I'm so stupid" I muttered to myself as I watched him walked down the street. I started my car and drove back to my house and saw both of my mom and dad where home. When I walked in I heard my dad saying that he was leaving to go to a friends tonight.

It was a Thursday and that usually meant that my mom would have her friends over and I go out and drive around.

When my mom's friends started to show up I left the house. I drove around the town and the decided to go around the neighborhoods. I saw the house that James ran out of this morning and through the window I saw the small boy I am in love with being kicked multiple times by about 4 grown men. I wanted to go in and save him, but I couldn't, so I kept driving.

I couldn't get the image out of my head. I wonder if he gets abused often. Probably not, just a bad night, I told myself. A while longer of driving I decided to go to bed. It had been a long day. When I got home I said goodnight to my mom and went in my room and fell asleep.

I liked this chapter. Oh poor James. I hope you all enjoyed this and please vote and comment if you want more. I love you all. Remember I am here for you if you need it. Bye Bye Babes 1643 words.

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