✖️❌Chapter 27❌✖️

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James's POV:

I woke up in a lot of pain and carefully got out of bed. I limped to the bathroom and pulled off my jeans. I looked in the full body mirror and scanned from bottom to top. It started with my scared leg and purple knees. Then my stomach that was black and blue and purple with the words faggot, fat, and gross carved into my skin. The tears started to fall and then I saw my bruised chest with the word disgrace cut into it. The tears fell harder. I avoided my face, knowing that I would get sad or angry.

I looked away and started the shower. The water was warm and it burned like a bitch but I knew that I had to wash the dried blood off of my torso before I went to school. I washed my body and got out. I put on a white oversized knitted sweater and black skinny jeans. With my white converse. I grabbed my backpack and carefully put it on my back. I left my room and walked down the steps and got out of the house without any problems. I walked to the school and went straight to my math final. Adelaide ran over to me when I walked in.

"What the fuck happened!?" She practically yelled causing everyone to look over at me. She was angry. "Why did you leave?!" I jumped but stayed quiet. "You're impossible!" She yelled and went back to her seat. A bunch of people were still staring at me and I was terrified. The bell rang and the teacher walked in and gave us our tests. The room was silent but I could feel a bunch of eyes watching me.

I finished my test and left the class. I walked in the bathroom and lifted my shirt slightly and saw the bottom of the word fat. The door opened and I jumped and put my shirt down and walked out. I took four more finals and then left the school. I made it to my house and was relieved when I saw my dad passed out on the couch. I slowly walked up the stairs and laid down on my bed. I gulped when I heard the doorbell ring and got off the bed to answer the door. When I walked down my dad was already walking to the door.

"Go back to your room faggot. I'll take care of you in a minute." He said glaring at me and I obeyed. I heard Alex's voice when I was at the top of the stairs. "I'm sorry he's grounded this week." My dad said and I heard the door shut before quickly walking up to my room. I locked Juliet in her kennel to make sure that she didn't get hurt. I heard the sound of my dad walking up the stairs and then burst into my room. "Why haven't I just killed you? You're worthless and you have no reason to be alive." He said loudly. I whimpered quietly and he kicked my stomach. I yelped and he laughed. I turned around so that his foot collided with my back instead of my bruised stomach. Juliet was barking, whining and trying to get out, but it wouldn't stop.

My dad stopped kicking when the doorbell rang. He sighed and walked away from me well I heard my heart beating in my ears. I heard talking but I couldn't make out the voice because of the loud pulsing in my head and Juliet crying. I saw Alex walk into my room and quickly kneel next to my head.

"Babe! Oh my god! I shouldn't have let you come back here." He practically cried. Two police officers walked into my room and they helped me sit up.

"Did you call us here just because of a black eye? We can't arrest him for just that." The larger officer said. "I hate to ask you this but is there anything else?" He asked softly. I made eye contact with Alex and he nodded softly. I slowly reached down to the bottom of my sweater and lifted it up slightly.

"Oh Lord. Would you mind taking off your shirt for some pictures to use against him in court?" The smaller cop asked. I nodded weakly and Alex helped me stand. He stood in front of me and kissed my forehead sweetly.

"You'll be okay now. You won't ever have to see him again." Alex mumbled quietly and hugged me softly. I buried my face in his neck and I let a few tears fall from my eyes. "I promise it will all be over soon." Alex mumbled and pulled away. I opened my eyes and a cop with a large camera walked in.

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