✖️❌Chapter 16❌✖️

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James's POV:

I woke up to a high pitched bark and Mikey groaned while I lifted myself from the ground. I picked up Juliet and managed to go down the ladder and put her down and watched her run around the yard. I jumped feeling a pair of arms wrap around my waist. But I calmed down when I heard Mikey's raspy morning voice.

"Good morning babe." He mumbled in my ear. I smiled.

"Good morning." I said happily and he kissed the top of my head. Charlie walked out of the house and Juliet freaked out and ran to my feet. I picked her up and she nuzzled her way into my neck.

"Good morning you guys." Charlie said and walked out to us. "How was the puppy last night?" She asked and pet Juliet between the ears.

"She was really tired so she went right to sleep." Mikey said with a smile. I put Juliet down and she sat between my legs.

"Okay, I made breakfast so come in when you're ready." She said with a big smile and walked back inside. Juliet started running around and looked so happy. Mikey smiled and kissed my head again.

"Let's go eat." He mumbled and I nodded my head. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the house to see a big breakfast set out on the table. Mikey led me to a seat where there were two plates set out.

"Thank you. Food looks amazing." I smiled and grabbed my fork. I looked down at the food and didn't want to eat. I felt Mikey's hand on my thigh and it just made me not want to eat even more. I need to be skinny for him. He won't like me if I get fatter.

"Please eat." Mikey whispered to me. I got a small bite on the fork and brought it up to my mouth. Don't eat it you fatass. Don't you want him to like you? He's already to good for you. Do you really want to eat and him leave you?

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled and put down the fork. Mikey looked at me with disappointment. He looked away and started eating his food while I got up and threw mine in the trash. Maybe he'll like you now. Good job. I looked back as Mikey was finishing his food and I grabbed his plate and brought them to the sink. I started washing them and then I felt a pair of large hands on my waist.

"Why didn't you eat? I thought you were getting better." He mumbled resting his chin on the topic my head. I shrugged and his arms wrapped fully around me. "I really don't want to leave, but my mom wants me home. Promise you'll text me and tell me if anyone hurts you." He said and spun me around to kiss me hard. "I love you. Eat something baby." He said and pulled me in for a hug. He let go of me and kissed me one last time before yelling a bye to Charlie.

"I love you." I said and tried to hold down my voice screaming for him to stay. He pulled me into him one more time before walking out of the house. I stood there for a minute but was snapped out of my thoughts by Charlie walking down the stairs.

"I have to go to work and me and your dad won't be home until around 7 or 8. I left my number on the counter if you need to talk." I nodded and watched her leave the house. Just me and my thoughts. I walked out back to see Juliet laying in the sun. She looked over at me and got up and ran to me. I walked to the ladder to the tree house. I went up and grabbed all of Juliet's stuff and saw that Mikey left his laptop. I was able to grab everything and bring it all to my room with Juliet running behind me. I set up all of her stuff and looked at the clock to see it was already one pm.

I grabbed my phone out of my bag and texted Mikey. Hey, you left your laptop at my house. Do you need it? I sent quickly and Juliet jumped up onto my bed. I looked up and noticed a small black stereo sitting on top of my dresser. I went to my bookcase where I had a stack of cd's and grabbed my all time low cd and put it in. I smiled when I heard the song Damned If I Do Ya. I grabbed the book Forget Me Not and laid down on my bed with Juliet curled up into my side and got lost in the music and words.

I finished the book with tears in my eyes and looked at the time. 8:36pm I put the book away and saw that Mikey still hadn't texted me back. He hates you. It's so obvious. I pushed my thoughts away and brought Juliet outside to go to the bathroom. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a stove cooking popcorn and put it on the stove.. I jumped hearing the doorbell ring. I walked to the door and slowly opened it to see Mikey's dad.

"I'm to get Mikey's laptop." He said angrily and I walked into my room to grab his laptop and brought it downstairs and saw Mikey sitting in the passenger seat of his dad's car.

"Did I do something?" I asked quietly and looked out to the car to see Mikey. He was looking at me but quickly looked away.

"Yeah you made my son into a faggot." He said angrily and left. I watched as the drive away and then smelt burning.

"Shit!" I yelled and walked to the kitchen to see the burning popcorn cooker. I I picked it up and tried to ignore the searing pain of hot metal burning my skin. I threw it into the sink and turned on the water. I looked down and my burnt and bloody hands and wrapped them up with napkins and ran to my bathroom to find the ace bandages and wrapped up my hands. That was fate. You were about to eat and get fat. You can't eat. My voice sounded in my head. I let a couple of tears leave my eyes before walking into my room to find Juliet laying in my bed. I carefully laid down and fell asleep with Mikey on my mind.

Mikey's POV: (starting from when he goes to dinner with his grandparents.)

I couldn't help but worry about James even though I knew he was fine. I really wanted to text him, but my phone was in the car and I didn't want to be rude.

"So Mikey? Do you have a girlfriend yet?" My grandpa said in a funny voice. I didn't know how to come out to my grandparents, but I knew that I had to.

"No actually I have a boyfriend. You would love him." I said with a big smile, think about James.

"You have a what?!" My grandpa yelled angrily. "You are no grandson of mine if your a homosexual!" He yelled again.

"I can't even look at you." My grandma said in a sad voice.

"I'm sorry, but please just give me a chance." I said loudly.

"Mikey, we should go." My dad said to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'll stay here. I'll be home later." My mom said sadly and I nodded walking out of my grandparents house and into my dads car.

"You can't be gay. Maybe if James wasn't around, you'd be normal." I was stunned by my dads words and looked him in the eyes.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, scared of what he would say.

"You can't see James anymore. He's a bad influence on you and I don't want you to be around him." I knew that I couldn't argue with him right now. I grabbed my phone to text James when I saw that he texted me. My dad took my phone out of my hands and looked at the text. "I'm going to get your laptop, and then we're going home. He said and started pushing buttons on my phone and when I got it back, James texts and number had been deleted.

"You can't do this to me." I yelled at him. "I can't not talk to him." My dad gave me a stern look that said shut up. I stopped talking and we pulled up to James house and my dad got put. I stayed in the car, unable to face him. I saw a tired looking James open the door and he looked sad and then left. He came back and we made eye contact and I looked away. What am I supposed to do? My dad left the house but I saw James standing the looking scared. "What did you say to him?" I asked and my dad looked at me angrily.

"Don't worry about it." He said and we pulled up to my house. I quickly got out of the car and ran to my room and locked the door. I opened my phone and saw the picture that I took of James. He looked so peaceful and happy. I could see his exposed chest and stomach full of scars. I plugged in my phone and fell asleep thinking about James.

So what? I like drama! I am at like 8.5 thousand readers and I think I'm dead. Guys I love you so much. Please talk to me. I'm lonely AF. What is your favorite cereal? Mines fruit loops. Good bye babes!!!!!!! I hope you like my story :) 1646 words

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