❌✖️Chapter 26✖️❌

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James's POV:

I woke up facing away from Alex and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. His nose was nuzzled into the back of my neck and his warm breath sent shivered up my spine. I looked forward and saw the mirror. The covers only covered my legs and stoped where Alex's arms rested. You're so gross. I'm sorry. I mean look at your fat. He's been making me eat. I'm sorry. And don't get me started on the scars. I know I'm disgusting. Please stop. Alex's head tilted a bit to the side and he lightly kissed the back of my neck.

"Good morning." I mumbled and he pulled me closer to him and groaned. "It's Monday. We need to go to school." I mumbled. He let me go and I sat up on the bed. His arms wrapped back around my waist and he kissed my back.

"I don't want you to go." He mumbled and kissed my back again. "I don't have to go because I was so late in the year and I don't have to take finals." He mumbled and I felt the bed dip before he attached his lips to my shoulder. "And you'll have to cover up those love bites babe." He said and kissed my neck.

"I have to go to school. I'll be back soon." I mumbled and tilted my head so he had better access.

"You aren't acting like you want to leave." He said and bit lightly. I was able to pull out of his grip and stood up. "You look so beautiful." He said I looked back at him sitting up on the bed. I pulled on a white sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans. I put on my black toms and was about to leave when I felt a pair of hands on my waist. "Kiss me before you leave me." He said and I turned around to see him with a pouty face. I quickly pecked his lips and opened the door. He walked out with me and I grabbed my backpack. "Your hickies are still showing." He mumbled and grabbed my hand. Crap. I completely forgot about those.

"I should probably change then." I said and he grabbed my arm before I could go.

"No. They show that you're mine." He said and kissed me softly. I pulled away and blushed. Adelaide walked out of her room.

"Wow! Looks like you guys had some fun." Adelaide laughed and I blushed harder. "Now say goodbye to your lover boy and let's go to school.

"Bye lover boy." He muttered and I giggled and kissed him softly.

"Bye." I mumbled and me and Adelaide walked out to the car. I got into the passengers seat and Adelaide smirked at me.

"So. You and Alex. Jalex." She mumbled and laughed at our ship name. I kinda like it. Jalex. "Are you ready for finals?" She asked and I swallowed hard. I know I'll do good but I'm terrified. My English final is a presentation on my family and how I would explain my home life. I'm terrified. At least I only have one final today. Me and Adelaide walked into the class immediately and went back to our seats. About 4 presentations later the teacher called my name. I was shaking so badly and I felt my throat go dry.

"This topic is kind of difficult for me because I never truly had a family. I had a mother and I have a father but we don't really see eye to eye." I mumbled quietly and many of the the kids snickered at me. "My mother left when I was 3 and since then my dad and I are pretty distant. He's not loving or caring and he definitely is not supportive." I said and sniffled.

"And he beats you like he should." I looked over to see Mikey smirking.

"That's enough. Mikey can I please talk to you?" The teacher said and I went back to my seat and Adelaide rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled and I laid my head on her shoulder. A couple people presented and then Adelaide was called up. She talked about how her mom was a druggie and her dad was a workaholic and when he passed away, she put her mom in rehab and she moved here soon after. And then Alex came too. She came back and sat next to me.

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