❌✖️Chapter 30✖️❌

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James's POV:

Me and Alex are better than I could've ever thought. I just got new studio apartment and am we were cuddled up on my bed with Juliet's back pressed to my stomach. I also plan to get another puppy so Juliet still has a friend but I haven't told Alex yet. Alex moved in too and it's great having a place to ourselves.

It's 9am on Alex's birthday and he is still asleep and I'm just laying there completely content with life. I still have bad days, but Alex makes them better. I've hit 110 pounds and I'm not angry. He always compliments the way I look and how I'm putting on weight. Also, I think I'm ready. His hand tightened on my hip and he pulled me closer.

"Mmmmm. I love you." Alex mumbled and I laughed. His hand rested on my lower stomach.

"I love you too birthday boy." I said and he kissed the back of my neck. "Do you want some breakfast?" I asked tilting my head.

"We should go out. Maybe to IHOP." He mumbled against my skin. I flipped over so I was facing him and he kissed my lips softly. "I love waking up to you everyday." He said between kisses. I blushed and we got out of bed. I put on a light blue sweater and black jeans. "Is it bad that I already miss seeing you in your boxers?" He laughed.

"Yeah, you have a problem." I laughed and he started putting on his jeans. "But so do I." I mumbled. "We should go." I said and he agreed and we walked out holding hands.

We only waited for about 5 minutes before we were seated and we sat in a small corner booth. We both ordered and I got a strawberries and cream and he got chocolate and peanut butter. We're so different but so similar. We laughed and talked all through breakfast and it was relaxing.

"I have a present for you, but you need to let me drive, and you can't know where we're going." I said and he had a confused smirk on his face.

"Okay, should I be scared?" He asked nervously laughing. I shook my head while laughing and we finished our food. He handed me the keys and I just smiled at him. We drove to the house first and picked up Juliet and then we started on the way to the shelter.

"You should take off your shirt and tie it so you can't see." He laughed at me but did it anyway.

"Is this just your way of getting me shirtless?" He asked and I laughed.

"You figured out my master plan." I chuckled and pulled into a parking spot. I pulled off my seatbelt and crawled over so I was sitting on his lap facing him and I pulled the shirt off of his face and kissed him. His hands gripped my hips tight and he pulled me closer to him.

"This is the best birthday ever." He said letting his lips travel my jaw.

"We should go in n-- mmmmmmm" I moaned when he lightly bit the soft spot below my ear. He chuckled deeply and pulled away.

"Yeah let's go. I wanna know what's going on." I opened the door and crawled off his lap. "We're getting another dog?!" He yelled and I nodded. He carefully picked me up and spun me around. "This really is the best birthday ever." We walked into the shelter holding hands and the cuteness was overwhelming.

There was a little bundle of fluff jumping up on the gate and I could tell that he would grow to be huge. "What about him?" Alex said pointing to the little puppy. One of the workers came up to us and opened up the cage to grab him.

"He's a hit, most of his brothers and sisters already got homes, but there is a catch. Him and his brother are practically inseparable and so if you get one you need to get the other." She said petting the dog between the ears.

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