❌✖️Chapter 13✖️❌

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James's POV:

I woke up to an empty bed and the sound of a shower. I sighed loudly and got out of bed. I looked at my bare chest in the full mirror. I am so ugly. I traced my index finger across a long scar below my belly button. No wonder I want to leave you. I mean look at you, you're so ugly. I heard Mikey's voice.

"Please stop." I whispered and let myself fall apart. I sat on the ground with my back against the wall and buried my face in my knees. I continued to hear Mikey insulting me and imagined him hitting me. "I don't want get hurt anymore." I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"James what's wrong?" Mikey said rubbing my back trying to get me to stop crying. I tried to avoid his touch but he kept moving closer to me. "Please tell me what's wrong." He said and I buried my face in his chest.

"Why do you keep hurting me?" I cried in his chest. Because you are the most disgusting human that has ever lived. I mean look at yourself. The scars and the fat. Gross. Mikey's voice boomed in my head.

"How did I hurt you?" He asked like he really didn't know. I pulled away from him and looked him strait in the eye.

"I'm sorry I'm not good enough. I wish I was but I'm not and I know that. I don't even deserve to be alive." I said quietly. It isn't his fault, it's mine. I just don't deserve him. I'm not good enough for him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked oblivious. He tried to pull me closer but I flinched away from him.

"David." I spoke quietly and the room went silent. Mikey took his arm off of my shoulder and ran his hand through his hair. "You could have at least tried not to be so obvious about it." I said quietly.

"You know what I'm so sorry, he was my first boyfriend and I guess I never stopped loving him!" He yelled at me. I flinched away from him and he didn't even care. He stood up and walked out of the room. I just kind of sat there for a while. I didn't know what to do. About an hour passed and I broke. He doesn't love me. He just used me. He probably left me here to go to Davids. They will probably watch a movie and kiss just like we did. I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I gravitated towards the knife holder and grabbed one. The front door opened and I saw Mikey with bags from the drug store. "James what are you doing!" Mikey yelled letting the bags fall to the ground.

"I'm not good enough." My voice came out almost inaudible. "I just want to be good enough for you." I said looking back at the knife in my hands.

"Please put it down. I love you. You are so good enough for me. You are too good for me." He said while walking towards me. I put the knife down on the counter and Mikey pulled me into his chest. "I'm so sorry." He said and kissed my forehead. "The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you."

"Then why do you keep doing it?" I asked quietly. Because it's fun. I tried to ignore the voices but they kept getting louder.

"I don't know." He mumbled. "I am so sorry." He moved his hands up and down my bare sides and I got goosebumps.

"Did you mean it when you said you said you still love David?" I said quietly.

"No. God no. David was always so mean and he never wanted me to be happy. I love you James." He kissed me softly. I smiled weakly. "What do you want to do today. Anything." He said sweetly.

"I don't care you choose." Mikey smiled and grabbed my hand bringing me into the bedroom.

"Lay down I'll be right back." He said and kissed my nose. I did what he asked and laid down. I wonder where he went. Mikey came back in with his arms full of snacks. "We are not leaving this room all day." He said and crawled on top of me. He kissed me softly and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. "I love you James." He said quietly. "Now let's watch some movies. Mikey got off the bed and opened a cabinet full of DVD's and grabbed about 5. He put the first one in. I immediately recognized it as my favorite kids movie. Aladin. "Do you remember when we would cuddle on the couch and watch this movie over and over again?" Mikey asked while wrapping his arms around me.

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