Chapter 15

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We get home and I have to get more ice on my face because it still hurts. Tom carries me to the bedroom and sets me down.
"I shouldn't have listened to you Ashley"
"I know but he's gone it's going to be ok"
"He's gone til he's now" he mumbles
"Nothing" he puts the covers over and me asks me if I need anything. I say no. He goes to the bathroom and I take off my bra but just put a shirt on.

I hear Tom get in the shower and get out. He walks out with no towel.
"Where's your towel?"
"I don't know" he says putting on his boxers. I look in the bathroom and his towel is right there hanging. He walked out on purpose. He walks around and lays in the bed I look at him abs the whole time.
"See something you like?" Tom asks
"Yes" I say smiling wanting him to get in the bed.
"Come on Tom" I say patting the bed
"I'm coming I'm coming" he says climbing over me his abs are in my face and I smile at it. He lays next to me and I get on top of him laying my head on his chest and falling asleep.
(Time skip)
It's the next morning. I wake up next to Tom. He's already awake and he's looking at me as a flutter my eyes open. I smile and cuddle closer to him.
"How does your face feel" Tom asks kissing my cheek.
"It's fine really" I knew he was upset about it and I didn't want him to do something stupid
"Ok good baby I have something to do today so stay with bill"
"I can't come?" I ask while frowning
"No, but you and Bill have fun ok?" I notice that he is fully dressed and ready to walk out the door.
"Ok baby I love you" I say kissing him
"Love you too" he says after kissing me and leaving. I stretch and get out of bed.

(Toms pov)

I walk out of the room and go to bill who is on the couch.
"Bill I have things to do today can you please do something with Ashley today?"
"Yea of course ! What are you doing?" Bill says smiling
"Nothing just doing something" I smirk and walk out the door. Grabbing the keys out of my pocket I open the door and crank up the car. I have something planned today. With Grayson. I pull up to the jail and walk in
"Hey I'm here to see Grayson Walter" I say to the officer
" are?"
"Oh I'm Tom Kaulitz"
"Ok great come on back" She says after searching me. I can see Grayson sitting at the glass in confusion.

"Here you have 20 minutes to talk. Grayson you know the rules" The officer says.
"Hello Grayson" I say smirking at him
"Why are you here?" Grayson responds
"I just came here to say that your not leaving this place. Your staying here."
"Yea we'll see about that now Tom" Grayson says crossing his arms.
"You can't leave because you see you have beat on Ashley for so many years. The cops know everything. Plus who doesn't listen the Tom Kaulitz. You know how it is.."
"Whatever. Your going to fucking regret this Shit head"

"Is that a threat Mr. Walter?" I say chuckling
"Im going to bail you out" I say leaning back
"Why the fuck would you do that?"
"Because I feel nice"
"No no there's a reason to it"
"No there's not" I smirk. I turn the the officer and ask how much his bail is.
"Oh his? It's 4000 dollars"
"I'll pay it right now" I say smiling
"Ok I'll get you checked out" the officer says
We both go upfront and after a few minutes Grayson comes out. Grayson and I walk outside and I tell him to get In the car.
"I'm good"
"I didn't ask get in the fucking car now Grayson" he gives In and gets in the front seat.
I drive off saying nothing the entire time. I drive to an abandoned place where there is no one or no thing to be found.

"Get out" I tell him pulling over
"You heard me Grayson get out" I grab a gun and get out with him.
"Woah bro chill chill now I didn't do anything to you Tom" he puts him hands up.

"You touched my girlfriend! You took her innocence away from her! Beat her! All she did was love you Grayson!" I yell at him
"I'm sorry! She was too clingy!" Grayson says. I get mad and shoot him in the dick. He screams in pain.
"You raped her! That's not fucking normal!"
"I said I'm sorry!" Grayson yells. Still screaming in pain.
"You hit her yesterday your not sorry! You would stop!" I walking closer and he's backing up hold his dick. I shoot him In his legs. He falls and screams in agony.

"I've never killed someone for a girl... but you did some messed up things Grayson you deserve it." I whisper as I kneel next to him and stand up again back up a bit and shoot him in the head. We are far enough that no one will find us so I just start to dig a hole and put him in it then leave. Omg...I just killed someone. I'll never tell anyone. I drive back home and pull into the driveway. I get out of my car, walk up to the door and Ashley runs up to me.
"Baby!" He yells running up to me hugging me "hello my love" I say hugging her back

(Back to Ashley's pov)

I hug him and smile. I had so much fun today with Bill
"I have fun today hope you did too"
"Oh yea I did"
"Good" I smile and kiss Tom on the lips. He smiles and pulls me closer by grabbing my ass and pulling me. Bill clears his throat.
"Guys I'm here don't forget that" he laughs.
"Sorry Bill" I wink at Tom and tell Bill that we are going to watch a movie. I know he don't believe me. We go upstairs and Tom and I walk in the room. I can't have sex and he knows that. I shut the door behind him and start to kiss him. He pushes me against the wall and grabs my neck. I smile and continue to kiss him. We slowly move to the bed and I get on top of Tom as he is sitting and we make out for the next 10 minutes.



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