The end

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(The next day)

"I'm so sad you have to leave me baby"
"I know my love but I'll be back in two weeks ok? I'll text and call you every night" Tom says as I start to tear up.
"That's the longest we have been apart" Tom cups my face in his hand and wipes my tears away. He looks down at me and kisses me passionately. Then pulls away after a few seconds.
"I know darling but I will stay in contact ok? I love you so much"
"I love you too" I hug him one last time tightly. I didn't want to let go I wanted to hold him forever...
"I have to go my angel I'll call you when I get to the airport-"
"And when you land! Please don't forget you know how I think ok?" I back up and tears are rolling down my face.
"Ok...Listen I'm going to be ok my love...I love you so much baby" Tom says grabbing his bags and walking out.
"I LOVE YOU!" I shout as he shuts the door. What am I going to do the next two weeks.
2 weeks after Tom had left. He's supposed to be coming home tomorrow. I haven't even left the apartment. I've stayed and sat in self pity. I need to get out...But with who? My only friend is was Bill and he's gone too. The whole band is gone. I get a notification on my phone. My face lights up it's from Tom.
"Hey baby just wanted to tell you we only have one more day till we see each other! I sent you some flowers hopefully you'll get them soon...Love you so so much:)"
I smile and kick my feet at his text.

"I love you too Tom! I'll see you soon;)"

There is a knock at the hotel door. It has to be the flowers. Right? I get up and walk to the door opening it.
"Hello Princess" Tom says looking down at me
"Omg Tom!" I jump into his arms he drops his bag and catches me. "I've missed you so much..." I say
"I've missed you too" He says running his hair through my hair.

"Hey I've missed you too" Bill says. I forgot that I'm mad at him in the moment. I missed him too. I jump out of Tom arms and jump in bill.
"I've missed you too Bill" I just hug him I don't say anything. He catches me in his arms and I remember I'm mad. I let go of him and brush my clothes off. "Sorry-" I walk away and back to Tom. "Let's have some fun huh?" I smirk and walk back in the hotel room. I can hear Tom say bye to Bill.

"Looks like your over it.." Tom says
"No! I just missed him that it! I can miss people I'm mad at" I say turning to him and looking. Tom chuckles and walks towards me. He looks down at me and I just look back up at him.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes!" He looks down at me and puts his hand on my chin making me look at him. He kisses me backing me up against the couch. He picks me up putting his hand on my ass supporting me. He continues to kiss me but takes me to the hotel bedroom.


He lays me on the bed quickly taking off my shirt. I help take off his shirt and pants. He takes off my pants leaving me in my bra and thong. He's not wearing anything. He looks me up and down.
"Your perfect baby." He rubs his hand down my body and stops at my thong. He pulls them down slowly as he stands over me.
"Come on Tom don't tease me" I beg
"Don't worry your going to get what you want"
I look into his eyes and roll my eyes.
"Ugh come on" I say complain
He grabs a condom and puts it on and starting to tease me. Rubbing his dick against my clit. He doesn't warn me but quickly thrust all of him in me. He continues to thrust hard and fast in me.
" Fuck daddy" I dig my nails in him
"Yea baby girl keep doing that"
"Mhmmm" I hum
After a few minutes I'm already about to cum.
"Fuck Tom! I'm gonna-"
"Do it for me darling..." He thrust harder and faster. Causing me to release on his dick. Soon after he cums he pulls out of me.
"Fuck!" I say as he pulls out.
"Scream for me baby I love to hear it" He smirks and takes off the condom throwing it out."Did you have fun?" Tom ask laying next to me looking over at me.
"Of course I did...I missed you so much"
I get on top of him and look down at him
[SMUTT DONE⚠️⚠️⚠️]

A few hours later I get off the bed and walk to the bathroom. I get clothes on.I hear Tom get up behind me and walk up to me. He has sweatpants and no shirt on. God that's so hot.
"I saw your scars.." Tom says calmly wrapping his arms from behind me.
"W- What?!"
"Hey it's ok...on your thigh...I saw them I'm not mad.."
"Look Tom-" I turn to face him "I've stoped ok? I did that because I was scared and was just self conscious...I stoped I promise you ok?"
"Ok ok I understand I'm not mad my love just worried"
"Ok..." He kisses me softly and puts his hand on my neck. He then pulls away.

"What?" I ask as he pulls his hand off my neck.
"I have to ask you something ok? I've been thinking about it when I was away and I think that it's time I ask you" My heart drops as he says this. Oh my god.
"Ok what is it?" He grabs something out of his pocket. He then gets down on one knees.
"Tom what are- Oh my god" Tears start. He's doing this private. He knows exactly what I wanted. He's brought up getting married for the 2 years we've been together but never...really done anything.
"Ashley Smith. You have made me so happy with my life and you make me smile when I see you. You have this amazing personality that I just...Love. Please Ashley Rose Smith please make me the happiest man and marry me" Tears are rushing down my face. I'm speechless. But can get out a few words finally after a few seconds of silence.
"Yes! Of course I will omg" He stands up and hugs me tightly. He puts the ring on my finger and it's so perfect. Exactly what I wanted. I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck as he hold me in the air.
"Omg I have to tell my mom!" My mom and I have always been close. So I just knew she needed to know.
"Ok Ok you can" He sets me down and I run to my phone and call my mom.

"Hey my angel what's going on?"
"Omg! Are you ok?! Is Tom ok?!"
"Sweetheart I know...He asked us before y'all left...You sound very happy I hope you enjoy your time there and we will plan it when y'all get back ok?"
"OMG YOUR KNEW?" I turn to face Tom. He smiles leans on the door frame. "Fine I'll talk to you later I have to go hang out with my Fiancé" I squeal and hang up. I run into Toms arms.

"We are going to together forever ok baby?"
"Forever" I stay kissing him

(A few years later)

Tom and I are married and happy. Me and Tom don't have kids neither of us want any. Me and Bill made up a year or two ago. My life is perfect. We are back home in Germany

"Love?" Tom asks Laying on the couch, his head in between my thighs.
"Yes baby?" I say looking down at him. He's looking his phone.
"I just want to say how much I love you and appreciate you"
"And also that I got you something special.."
"I told you don't spend money on me baby.."
"Well I have the money so I can" He goes in his pocket and pulls out a necklace. It has the letter T.
"Oh baby...It's just like the one I broke...Oh thank you so much my love!" I put it on immediately. He head still laying in between my thighs.
"You cried when you broke the one I got you years ago. so I decided to get you another one" He smiles and grabs my thighs.
"You still have yours it did make me cry. You haven't broken yours"
"It's ok darling don't worry" he rubs his thumb back and forth on my inner thigh.

I'm so happy I met this man and will forever be happy...


-Love, Belle



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