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It was around 10 p.m
Jeonghan and jisoo were walking back home while eat ice-cream

"Hannie can we please not go home please" jeonghan knew why his younger brother didn't want to go home. "you know we have to even if we don't want to" jeonghan said as  they were making there way into the street were they lived , jisoo stopped his tracks, "jisoo please let's not do this right now I'm very tired and you know that " jeonghan said turning to jisoo.
Jisoo being stubborn he dropped his ice cream purpose and cross his hands and started to pout looking away from his older brother tired eyes , jisoo knew jeonghan would give in ,jeonghan could only sign rub his tired eyes and give in, he walk towards jisoo and gave his ice cream to him , engulfed him into a hug "I'm sorry hannie I know you work so hard and you are tired but I'm being a ungrateful brat I'm sorry hannie" jisoo said with tears threatening to spill upon seeing that jeonghan wasted no to hug his brother
"Oh ji it's okay I mean sometimes you can be bratty but you are my little brat okay" jeonghan said as he he flashed his charming smile jisoo giggled and took the ice-cream from jeonghan hands "your right I'm your brat , let's go home"

They continued walking home.
As they reach home
the house was smelling of alcohol
But they are used to the smell.

"Jeonghan darling~" his mother called out empathizing on the word darling
Jeonghan knew what his so called mother wanted he looked at jisoo signalling him to go to their room, Jisoo slowly nodded not wanting to go but still went.

"Oh here you are" Mrs Hong said while getting closer to jeonghan
"What is it?" jeonghan asked with slight irritation in he's voice
"Oh dear don't be like that, you know what I want" jeonghan rolled his eyes and went through his tote bag he was carrying and took out his wallet and gave her 50000 won and gave it to her
"Good boy my dear but there is more" Mrs Hong said as she grabbed his wallet "Oh look" she said flashing the 1000 won in jeonghan face. "It's for jisoo" he said " but jisoo doesn't need this, I'll keep it for myself since I need it more, thank you Jeonghanie" she thanked him and left dropping the wallet on the floor on purpose , he signed not in the mood and went to their room.
Jeonghan opened the door to find jisoo on the bed sleeping without a care in the world. His smile and went to take a shower for the night getting warm in his PJ's and was ready for bed. He closed his eyes as he was setting off to dreamland. Not until he shot up awake because of a sound of the house door being barged open. He did not want to go down knowing what's happening down but slightly out of curiosity he made his way to the living room.

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