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Jeonghan chuckled at his and jisoo conversation
Forgetting the pain he felt
He slowly made his way to the bathroom.
Jeonghan wore a long sleeve shirt and comfortable sweat pants to cover his bruises
To jeonghan's luck Seungcheol don't hit his face
After bathing jeonghan made his way downstairs to the kitchen

The maids looked at jeonghan after what they heard they were worried

"Is breakfast ready?" Jeonghan asked he felt weird asking such a question
I mean it's  not a bad question
But jeonghan was also working as a maiden but suddenly they stopped working on the day jisoo went on a date with seokmin and when jeonghan was deflowered.

"Yes , breakfast is ready" one of the maids said

Jeonghan went to the dining table
And started to eat not waiting for Seungcheol

Matter of fact where is Seungcheol?
It was 1pm

Seungcheol nowhere in the mansion
And it's bothering him a lot

Jeonghan was sitting in the living room
Slightly worried about Seungcheol's whereabouts.

"Where the heck is he"
Jeonghan stood up pacing back and forth.

It's all ready night time approximately 9pm

Jeonghan felt restless
Some part of him missed Seungcheol

"Sir" a man called jeonghan
Jeonghan turned around and saw the man he was one of the guards outside

"Yes?" Jeonghan walked up to him
"Boss told me to inform you that his attending a business trip" "okay"
Jeonghan went to his room
He felt sad that Seungcheol didn't tell him beforehand.

In Paris

"That was amazing" jisoo exclaimed

Jisoo and Seokmin had their shower session (from chapter 14) that jeonghan suggested

Both laying on the bed cuddling

"It was"  says Seokmin
"Seokminnie when are we going back to Seoul? , I miss hannie"
Seokmin looks at jisoo
"Do you want to go?" Jisoo nodded
"I'll book the tickets" "okay"

히 히 히 히

Jisoo and seokmin were boarding the plane

"Call up jeonghan and tell him were coming" "Okay"

Jisoo called up jeonghan

OTP with jeonghan

"Yes jisoo"

"Hello to you too
Anyways we're
Boarding a plane
To Seoul"


see you"

"Bye ji
Love you"

"Love you too"

End of OTP with jeonghan


Jeonghan ended the call with jisoo

Jeonghan layed on his bed closing his eyes 

jisoo and seokmin had a 13h 41min

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