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So big big warning


"a-ah S-seungcheol"  Jeonghan moaned as Seungcheol fingerd him , adding a another finger into jeonghan, tears beaming in his eyes

Seungcheol realised something

"Fuck baby there no condom or lube"

Jeonghan just looked at him with his lnnocent bambi eyes

"Don't worry baby, let's Finnish what we started"

He hovered jeonghan as he entered him , jeonghan screamed the pain was unbearable, even though he was prepared by Seungcheol it didn't help

His legs started shaking

"Seungcheol please it hurts"

Tears dripping from his eyes

Seungcheol keep thrusting

Pleasure filling jeonghan moaning uncontrollably

Jeonghan was close to cumming but Seungcheol warned him not too

His legs shaking rapidly, he needed to release
With that he released on Seungcheol's stomach area

Seungcheol glanced at Jeonghan, more like glare at jeonghan

He pounds harder into jeonghan

Causing him to let out a scream

He really cummed
But he cummed in jeonghan

Jeonghan squeals as him felt the warm liquid

Seungcheol lays beside him panting heavily

"One more round?"

😫 it's safe

It was 5pm

Seokmin and Jisoo were getting ready for the doctor's appointment

"Are you ready?"
"In a minute" yelled Jisoo

Both climbed in the car as seokmin drove to the hospital

"Appointment for Hong Jisoo"  Seokmin said to the receptionist

The appointment with Dr kim went well with Jisoo prescribed with pregnancy vitamins


"Seokie can we go shopping?"
"We'll order online"

Jisoo pouted looking out the window

Seeing Jisoo sulky face brought a smile on his lips

Placing his hand on Jisoo's thigh caressing it

Seokmin opened the passenger seat for jisoo to come out holding out his hand for jisoo
Jisoo accepted it

"Go freshen up , I'll get some food ready for you"
"Okie dokey seokie" Jisoo placed a kiss on seokmin's cheek and ran up stairs
"No running" he shouted               

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