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It was 9pm jeonghan was worried he tried calling jisoo but he's not picking up.

Seungcheol POV

I came from work and heading to my room before I could take a step someone called me from behind, I turned to see the beauty
He walked up to me
"s-seungcheol can I talk to you please"
"Sure follow me"
I opened the door so he can enter first
Once we stepped in the room I lock the door this going be to fun

End of Seungcheol POV

As Seungcheol lock jeonghan heard the lock and turned around to see Seungcheol walking to towards him
"s-seungcheol w-what a-are  you doing" jeonghan asked as fear was filling him. Seungcheol pinned him to the wall "let's have fun baby~"

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