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"Eomma can we go already , we're late" complained Seokmin.
"I'm coming"

"How do I look?"
Mrs Choi twirls around showing off her new dress white and yellow dress.

"Eomma we're aren't going for some fashion show"

Mrs Choi squeals loudly causing her to gain attention.

"Seungcheollie" she hugs her son.
"My little baby , Eomma missed you so much" "I missed you too Eomma"
"Come here Seokmin" Seungcheol brought his younger brother in a hug.

"Chen is it possible if I can see the babies?"

Chen and Jeonghan were taking a evening stroll at the hospital's garden.

"I'm sure they will allow it" answered Chen.
They sat on a bench.

"Chen?" Jeonghan called out
"I'm sure you're curious right?"
Jeonghan nodded.
"it's nothing to worry about just focus on recovering and your baby , as soon as you both recover as will as the babies we will have to leave immediately"
Chen woke up to a loud ring going through out the whole hospital.

Jeonghan and Jisoo were already awake , nurses barged inside the ward room.

"Sir their a fire we need to leave the hospital" one of the nurse said
"What about our babies , are they safe?"

The nurses looked at each other hesitantly nodding.

The trio and nurses left the hospital standing outside as three fire brigades were outside leading people to safety.

All of a sudden Jisoo started crying.

"Why are you crying Ji?" Jeonghan pulled him into a hug.
Before Jisoo could answer he saw the fire fighters coming out of the burning hospital with baby cribs.

Jisoo gently pushed Jeonghan and ran to where the cribs are placed
Mothers easily identifying their babies.

Jisoo looked at the side of the baby cribs searchingfor his or Jeonghan's name on the side
Jisoo saw his name on the side
'Jimin' he lifted the baby out of the crib.

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