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Long time no see


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Jeonghan in his room
Looking at the set of jewellery the same ring and necklace Seungcheol gifted him
That day jeonghan (ch 12) took off so that him bathe and forget to put it back on.


Seokmin woke up and got dressed
He went towards jisoo who was sleeping peacefully on the bed
"Hyung" he shook jisoo to wake up "Hyung wake up" he said again

Jisoo slowly opened his eyes to view seokmin in a suit looking hot as ever

"Hm?" Jisoo sat up on the bed eyeing seokmin who stood up

"Morning baby" Seokmin said greeting Jisoo

Jisoo sat there in silence not replying back to the greeting
Seokmin sighed and bend down to peck Jisoo's lips

"That's more like it" jisoo happily  exclaimed

Seokmin sat down on the bed next to jisoo and held his hands

"Hyung, are you doing better now?"
jisoo shrugged "I guess"

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" "no" jisoo simply answered
"Um..Then I'll get a doctor to come check up on you , is that OK? "
Jisoo hummed in response

"Ok I need to get going" Seokmin stood up
Jisoo held his wrist "already leaving"
Jisoo said in a seductive tone
"Yes" Seokmin kissed jisoo's on the forehead and made him lay down
'Sleep' was the last seokmin said  before leaving the room.


Seokmin made his way downstairs to the dining area
"Morning jeonghan hyung"
jeonghan said but seokmin could tell his sad
He sat infront of jeonghan
"You okay? Hyung" "yeah"
Jeonghan eat his breakfast silence engulfing them

"Is jisoo doing good?" "Hm"

jeonghan was a little hesitant to ask the next question
"Um...seokmin you know... um.... well I'm just asking..... um...... where's.... yo-"
"Seungcheol?" Seokmin asked looking at jeonghan straight in the eye
Jeonghan looked down shyly nodded

"Business trip"

Some how jeonghan couldn't believe seokmin about Seungcheol's whereabouts

"I have to leave bye hyung, take care of yourself and jisoo"
Seokmin stood up and left

Jeonghan had a feeling that Seungcheol never left for some so called business trip

'But where is he?'

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