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Seokmin shook his head and took out his phone and dialled jisoo's number


OTP with jisoo

(Jisoo said in
annoyed tone)

"Where's your brother"
(Seokmin didn't
waste anytime
and got to the point)

"Oh wow, you
call me and ask
for jeonghan
I'm I not important to you?"

"It's something

"Than why don't
you call him yourself"

Jisoo ended the call

Seungcheol started laughing "I'm sure it's mood swings"
Seokmin rolled his eyes and decided to call jeonghan directly

OTP with jeonghan


"Hello hyung "

"Yes seokmin"

"Hyung did
you try
contacting brother"

"I tried but it went
straight to voice mail"

"Um ok I'll see
if I can contact him"

"Bye hyung "


End of OTP with jeonghan

Jeonghan sighed he was hesitate to tell seokmin what he found in Seungcheol's office


Seokmin left the asylum. And went straight to the Choi residence, seokmin went to his room "Jisoo baby" he called out "here" jisoo came out of the bathroom,seokmin opened his arms for jisoo

Jisoo slightly rolled his eyes , feeling super shy

He took his sweet time to reach seokmin , he finally reached him
Both lovers sharing a sweet hug

Jeonghan came downstairs after going through the file
A million thoughts running like a track train in his mind

*Ding Dong*

The door bell rang
Jeonghan went to open it to be greeted by a lady
"Hello sir , I'm Dr Kim Minji"
"So?" Jeonghan said trying not to sound rude

"Hyung" jeonghan glanced at seokmin
"She's where to check up on Jisoo"

Jeonghan let Dr kim Minji to come in
"Follow me doc"
They went up stairs leaving jeonghan in the living room

Seokmin's POV

Dr kim finally came
I told the doctor to follow me to our room
We entered to found jisoo laying on the bed
"Servant go get me some-" Jisoo said but stopped when he saw Dr kim , he hurriedly stood up "hello" bowed
I went up to him "Jisoo hyung this is Dr kim Minji" he bowed
"Should we start with the check up?"
I nodded
(still seokmin's pov)
Dr kim was checking Jisoo
He told the doctor what was the matter
Dr kim was checking Jisoo pulse
"Mr Choi can I speak to you privately"
Went outside the room
"Yes doctor"
I could see the glow on the doctor's face
"Well Jisoo-shi is.....um how do I say this his.....pregnant"
"How?" "Jisoo-shi is in the category of male pregnancy he can produce ovaries"

(I have not idea how Mpreg works I had to go to Google for info)

After the check up the doctor left
I still can't accept the fact that jisoo's pregnant

I'm not sure if this is bad news or good news

Be a man seokmin and tell jisoo his pregnant and carrying your child

I look towards Jisoo direction, fuck
He really wants to turn me on
He was wearing one of my work shirts without pants he looks so fuckable right now
"Hyung I have something important to tell you" he came towards me
"Shh seokmin, it can wait"

Fuck yeah it can wait

End of seokmin POV

Yes yes
Seokmin and Jisoo were having there private time together

ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ
Ps jisoo's 3weeks preggie

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