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I'm literally out of ideas so yeah

Jeonghan and Jisoo are 8months
One month passed

In Seoul  

The case went cold with no leads
Both the brother were devastated

Seungcheol left korea to travel to Greece
not permanently

Seokmin also left the mansion to stay with his parents

Seungcheol and Seokmin stopped talking to each other

Just being in that mansion made it hard for them to go by a day without there loved one

Seokmin would spend most his nights crying himself to sleep to the point were he starved himself , Mrs Choi would spent hours trying to convince Seokmin to come out of his room and eat but he wouldn't come out but at certain times he would come out and eat

In Jeju

Chen enjoyed his every day with  princess and babycakes
He loves like really loves to tease princess Jeonghan
He grew fond of Babycakes

There won't be a day Jeonghan didn't miss Seungcheol
There was a day Jeonghan broke down begging Chen to contact Seungcheol but Chen couldn't contact him there were no devices nor a TV
Jeonghan learned to accept the fact that they are stuck with no way of getting out
Jeonghan and Jisoo had alot of chances to escape but they wouldn't they were in a foreign place but not to foreign they didn't know anyone apart from Chen where would two pregnant males go

Jisoo also grew fond of Chen
They would play games together or such
Whenever Jisoo was hungry instead of going to Jeonghan he started going to Chen asking to cook for him
Jisoo does miss Seokmin alot

Jeonghan and Jisoo were laying conscious in the same bed covered with a thick blanket

"Appa , why do the Choi's get pretty boys and I don't" whine Lee Dongmin
Mr Lee shrugs

Mr Lee and his son left the room

Right now Jeonghan and Jisoo were in a ferry ship to daegu
Since the case went cold Mr Lee decided to move them to daegu
Mr Lee's men load them in a car
"Appa are we going to stay with them?"
"No they'll be stay somewhere else"

Jeonghan and Jisoo were brought into a small apartment
"Take care of them make sure the doors always lock and no devices"
The lady nodded her head
"Mum let's go"
"I'm coming" Mrs Choi said

Seokmin and his parents thought it would be the best if they move back to daegu, so they booked their flight

They got to Incheon airport

The flight was 2h53mins
Mr Choi inhaled the fresh air of daegu
They get a taxi

The flight was 2h53mins Mr Choi inhaled the fresh air of daegu They get a taxi

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"Home sweet home"

"Hannie wake up , wake up hannie " Jisoo was trying to wake up Jeonghan by shaking him , the last thing he remembers is going to bed
Jisoo gave up on waking up Jeonghan and stood leaving the room

"Hello my dear" an old lady came infront
"um hello halmeoni" "come my dear is the baby hungry?" Jisoo shook his head
"Chen where is he? , where are we?"
"Daegu my dear" "oh"

Jisoo walked back to the room
"From Seoul to Jeju now Daegu , what the actual hell is going on"
"Ji?" Jeonghan had a small smile plastered on his face "Hannie I'm glad your awake" Jisoo sat on the bed beside Jeonghan "Where are we?"
"Daegu , can you belive it , Jeonghan I think we should put our plan in action or else next thing you know we're in the US or Europe and I'm not planning to go there" "hm"

Jeonghan thought about it they've been planning to escape from the start
"Ok Ji , be ready tonight"
Jeonghan said hesitantly

Jeonghan woke up early looking for something his was in halmeoni's room
"Found it" Jeonghan exited the room going to his and Jisoo
"Did you find anything?" Jeonghan waved a phone "Let's go"
They interwind their hands together.

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