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Back in Paris

"SEOKMIN!" Jisoo shouted entering the hotel room
Seokmin looked at Jisoo and went back to his phone completely ignoring Jisoo's renting
"Are you seriously going to ignore me"
Jisoo went towards seokmin grabbing his phone

Seokmin's POV

I'm really not in the mood for this
"Jisoo hyung what wrong are you okay , I mean you dont seem okay to me" I asked he looks angry like really angry I pull him to sit on my lap
"Tell me what's troubling you"
"What's troubling me ok I'll tell you what's troubling you" "me?"
"Yes Seokmin you, I was absolutely excited about this trip but no you're boring ass just wants to sit in the freaking hotel room instead of exploring"
"Ok let's go explore paris" "finally"
Jisoo ran to the bathroom. He must be excited.

ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ (still seokmin's pov)
It was night
Jisoo and l were having a stoll
by the Eiffel Tower it looks so
beautiful but not as beautiful as jisoo

We went back to the hotel

We cuddled up

"Seokmin?" "hm" "when are we going?" I look at jisoo and cup his cheeks "soon"
I lean in to kiss him
Jisoo and I never heard an intimate relationship before, Jisoo says it's 'marriage first' so I have to wait
But not today.

He kissed back
I hovered him taking off my shirt
"Seokmin I didn't think this is right"
Jisoo said I can tell his nervous
I caress his face
"Don't worry baby ,your in good hands."

With that we started our session
I have to say Jisoo is one loud moaner from all the girls I slept with
Jisoo's the first guy I slept with
And the best part is he is a virgin, a very tight virgin.

End of seokmin POV

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