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The silence in the room was a comfortable silence
"S-seungcheol?" Jeonghan stuttered "hm?" "um when are you coming back home?" Seungcheol smirked "are you missing me?" Jeonghan shyly nodded
"Aw ,  my cute baby misses me" Seungcheol turned jeonghan to face him
"I mean , I haven't been home for days now of course you'll miss me"
Jeonghan mentally rolled his eyes at Seungcheol's wannabe smart ass
"Weeks , you haven't been home for 3weeks and 3days" "you have been counting?" Nodded jeonghan
Jeonghan stood up from Seungcheol's lap " where you going?" Asked Seungcheol "home" jeonghan continued " I left without telling Jisoo it's late anyways I'll visit with you tomorrow" jeonghan explained and promised

Jeonghan was about to swipe the access card when Seungcheol grabbed him by his waist pulling towards his body
(Jeonghan's back was pressed on Seungcheol's chest with his hand around jeonghan's waist)

"S-seungcheol i-i ha-have to g-go"

To say that jeonghan was nervous but at the same time he was excited on  what was going to happen

In other words jeonghan was sexually excited

He could feel Seungcheol's member pressed on his butt

Seokmin was shaking he was scared to tell Jisoo about the pregnancy news

" Breathe In Breathe Out" he chanted over and over again

"Seokie" jisoo entered their shared room sitting next to seokmin
"Yes seokie"
Seokmin held both of Jisoo hands
"Hyung remember our trip to Paris right"
Seokmin gathered the courage
" you'repregnant" Seokmin said fast
"Seokie slowly please" winces Jisoo
'You can do it' silently encouraging himself to say " you're pregnant"

Silence fills the room
No one saying a word

Seokmin was nervous to say at least
As if he's the one who's pregnant

"What do you mean by pregnant?" asked Jisoo

Seokmin was about to answer Jisoo in a sarcastic way but Jisoo is his little baby so he wouldn't

"You have a babyfoetus growing inside of you" Jisoo cutely grasped and pointed to his stomach
"Yes baby , you're carrying a baby or babies in you"
Jisoo suddenly hugged seokmin "we're going to be parents" "Yes baby we are going to be parents"

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