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Jisoo turned around
"Ahh I'm so scared" he said in a sarcastic way

Chen chuckled "Jisoo right"
Jisoo hummed taking a sit Chen sat beside him

Jeonghan walked in the living room
"Ready let's go" grabbing Jisoo's hands bragging him to the door

"Hold on princess, it's lock"
Chen unlocked the front door

"Nice right" said Chen "Let's go"

Jeonghan and Jisoo infront with Chen behind them
"Hannie do you think they will find us?" Jisoo whispers
Both Jeonghan and Jisoo let out a frightened scream
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you , but to answer your question no , no one will find you"
"But why ,why are you doing this?"
Chen Shrugged
"Come on let me show you something" Chen grabbed both Jeonghan and Jisoo's hand

Jeonghan and Jisoo infront with Chen behind them "Hannie do you think they will find us?" Jisoo whispers "No" Both Jeonghan and Jisoo let out a frightened scream"Sorry didn't mean to scare you , but to answer your question no , no one will find yo...

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I'm not sure if the forest in jeju has a lake

Chen lead them on top of rocks and sat down next to Jisoo

"This is my favourite place in this forest, I'm sure you'll start liking it to only if you stay for long"
"What do mean only if we stay for long?" Jisoo asked
"Do think of it too much babycakes"
Chen patted his head "Babycakes"
Jisoo mumbled

Chen stood "it's late let's head back"

They reached the cottage outside there two black cars
Chen sighed

Entered the cottage home greeted by two mens he personally knew

"Princess babycakes go to your rooms and don't come out until I come fetch you ok?"
Jeonghan and Jisoo nodded go to their rooms

"Why the sudden visit Lee?"
"Look man I don't know anything about this" Lee Dongmin said , Mr Lee chuckles "just came by to visit,brag it"
One of the bodyguards brought in a box and opened it
"All you need to do is take care of them"
The thick tense in the atmosphere
No one said a thing

"Do you have a phone?" asked Jisoo
Chen shook his head

After dinner
Chen went straight to his room after giving Jeonghan and Jisoo some pregnancy vitamins

Jeonghan was in Jisoo's room
"Hannie I don't think we can contact anyone or escape"
"Your right but have faith"

The Mansion that was always filled with laughter making it home

The mansion felt empty
Seungcheol in his room
Seokmin in his room

The only time they left their rooms is when the officers came by and told them the vehicle was found on the side of the road of gangnam highway
The time Jeonghan shot up from his sleep sweat dripping from his forehead , it been months since he had such dreams, months since he left that hellhole

Jeonghan decided to just wake up
He showered the sun was rising , he opened his door coming out of his room heading to the kitchen

"Morning princess" Jeonghan turned around facing a smirking Chen
"Looking beautiful princess"

Jeonghan rolls his eyes
"Are you deaf or just dumb , I told to stop calling me that"
Jeonghan points his index towards Chen
"Sorry princess Jeonghan" Chen ran to the kitchen
"Fucking idiot" Jeonghan cursed

Chen made breakfast and served Jeonghan and himself
"Where's babycakes?"
"Jisoo his name is Jisoo"
"Sure sure is he still asleep"
Jeonghan hummed

"Can I ask you something princess"

"No" Jeonghan gritted his teeth
"You and babycakes are not biological siblings are you"

Jeonghan chokes on his food
"What makes you think as such"
"Well you and babycakes don't look alike"
"It's because we're-"
"No your not unidentical twins , so tell me"
"I haven't told Seungcheol what makes you think I'll tell you"

Jeonghan stood up went and placed his plate in the sink and left to Jisoo's room

"Ugh his so annoying" Jeonghan lays  down on Jisoo's bed

"Should I dye my hair" Jisoo asked unbothered with whatever Jeonghan is saying

"His so nosy 'well you and babycakes don't look alike' such a creep"
Jeonghan mimicked the way Chen spoke

"Aw my little babies are hungry, I'm craving for a sand-"

"Jisoo are you listening?" Jeonghan sat
"I was but little Jimin and little Somin are hungry"

"Ok should I-" before Jeonghan could finish his sentence , Jisoo walked out of the room

"CHEN!" Jisoo called out loudly
"Here babycakes"
Chen stood up from the sofa
"Chennie , I'm hungry"
"Aw is babycakes hungry?"
Jisoo nodded , Chen squeezed Jisoo's his cheeks "you're so cute"

"What would you like to eat babycakes?" 
"A sandwich please"

Chen prepared Jisoo's sandwich
"Is it good?"
Jisoo hummed in response

"Can I ask you babycakes?"
"Hm" "Wait"

Chen got a glass of juice for Jisoo
"Are you and princess Jeonghan twins?"
Jisoo shook his head "should I tell you?" Chen nodded desperately

"Hannie and I are not biological siblings but since we're born the same year the little twin facade start" Jisoo explain
"But are you siblings?" "hm"
"Your parents?"
"Hannie doesn't like talking about mom or dad"
Chen understood and stopped asking questions.

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