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With Jeongcheol

Seungcheol POV

Damn it , it's 10 a.m
Was I asleep for that long of course I mean last night was a wild night.
And my doll sleeping so peacefully

I move his hair out of his face my doll looks so beautiful as he opens his eyes
"Morning baby slept well?" He doesn't answer but it's okay I'm sure his throat hurt from last night

I reached out for my phone call seokmin

OTP with seokmin

"Morning Seungcheol"

"Morning seokmin"

"Brother are you with jeonghan?"

"Yes , why?"

"We were about come home yesterday I decided not too since you know you might be busy"

"You right seokmin , you don't want to disturb me right? You know what happens right?"

"Yes brother"

"Good, good bye seokmin"


End of the call


With seoksoo

Seokmin POV

SeungCheol called am sure jisoo's brother won't be able to walk in a way.
Jisoo and I slept at a hotel it was hard to convince jisoo to stay at a hotel instead of going home

"Seokmin I heard to talking to Seungcheol, you mention jeonghan name is he ok?" Jisoo asked as they were cuddling "um yes jisoo jeonghan's okay"

I lied he can't tell jisoo that jeonghan is been tortured mentally physically and sexually by his psycho of a brother who can you reach any lengths to get what he wants.

Jisoo and I left the hotel , and made our way home. We entered the mansion, we still haven't had breakfast so we went to the dining table to have some to find Seungcheol and jeonghan were , wow Seungcheol really did jeonghan, and he looks bad his skin is pale and looks lifeless like his soul left his body.

Jisoo ran hugged jeonghan.
"Hannie wow you look pale are you are ok" jisoo said cupping jeonghan's face as he checking it, Shit Seungcheol glaring at jisoo, "Seungcheol can I talk to you" l asked Seungcheol "sure"

We want up stairs to my room He closed the ,as he grabbed my throat and started squeezing it
I'm sure my face is purple by now
He stopped, I started coughing

"Seokmin are ok? " Seungcheol asked me as he grip my shoulder squeeze
What a fucking psycho
"Brother, I'm okay" I said taking his hand of my shoulder
"Seokmin you better tell that boy of yours to stay away from my doll"
Seungcheol said he really think I'm going to tell jisoo to stay from jeonghan.
"Come on Seungcheol don't be a bitch you don't actually expect me to tell jisoo to stay away from jeonghan do you " without warning Seungcheol grabbed my neck this time he was strangling me like he wanted to fucking kill me so hard
Fucking Shit

I held his hand trying to remove it away,the fact that this fucker is just using one hand.
"s-seungcheol I c-can't b-bre-"
"That's what happens seokmin when you disrespect me, and that better be the last time you mention my doll's name,got it" I nodded quickly he left me and went out of the room.
I'm sure he will harm jisoo.

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