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5 months passed

In this 5 months
Jeonghan and Jisoo's pregnancy made it hard from Seungcheol and Seokmin who were already stressed because of work
Because of the pregnancy hormones Jeonghan and Jisoo were always either happy , sad , angry, clingy , stubborn or horny

Seungcheol started taking sleeping meds , overdosing on them
lending him in the hospital

Jeonghan was been visiting Seungcheol at the hospital here and there

Blaming himself for Seungcheol lending in the hospital ,  for taking sleeping meds , if he didn't bother Seungcheol nothing as such would have happened
"Hyung please eat" Seokmin said
Jisoo shook his head looking away

Seokmin closed his eyes trying to remain calm

Jisoo still shook his head

Seokmin just stood up and left the dinner table
He was tired , so tired more over stressed , he loves Jisoo don't get him wrong but Jisoo's pregnancy hormones are seriously getting on his nerves especially when Jisoo gets to stubborn and the only way to relive his stress was by drinking

Getting his car "seokie where you going this late?"
Seokmin didn't reply and just left

"Hannie" called out Jisoo receiving a comforting hug from Jeonghan
"Where is he going?" tears welling up in his eyes "come on Jisoo let's go to bed"

Jeonghan fed Jisoo
They took their pregnancy vitamins
Walking to the old room they used to share
Seokmin sat in the VIP section drinking his way up
It's been long since he want clubbing ever since he met Jisoo he stopped  clubbing
The loud music ringing in his ears, this is the life he missed nonstop party, girls here and there
No he can't continue that habit he has Jisoo who's going to give him a family

Seungcheol's in the hospital
Two pregnant males alone at home

He stood consuming so much alcohol he was thankful his drinking intolerance never got him drunk

Seokmin drove back home
He opened the door to his room switching on the lights
"Jisoo" he whispered not finding Jisoo
He walks out of the room going to Seungcheol's room opening it his still not there
Last room to check the room next to Seungcheol's room

And there he was sleeping so peaceful

Seokmin walked back to his room changing his clothes laid on the bed closing his eyes drifting of to dreamland
6 in the morning

Seokmin woke up getting ready for work full on black suit a white dress shirt and a black tie

Someone whistles
"looking hot Mr Choi" it was Jisoo
"Morning seokie"
"Morning hyung"
Jisoo tiptoes and kisses seokmin cheek
"Come with me, I made breakfast" Jisoo dragged him to the dining table. "Sit"
Jisoo sighed heavily

"I'm sorry about yesterday seokie , it's hard to control my hormones please understand"
"It's fine hyung let it be" Jisoo nodded
"Where are you when you left?"
Seokmin stops eating and glance at Jisoo "club , why?" "Oh"
Seokmin could see Jisoo's teary eyes
He walks to Jisoo kneeling on one leg taking Jisoo's hands into his

"Hyung I love you and I'll always love you . I would never cheat on you , you're mine and I'm yours"

Jisoo hugs seokmin crying his heart out "I love you too seokie"

Seokmin wipes Jisoo's tears
"I'll go and change" "sorry " "It's okay"
Seokmin kissed Jisoo's forehead walking upstairs

He changed into a grey suit ,white dress shirt and a maroonish redish tie

"I'm definitely not going to stop saying this , looking hot"

Seokmin chuckles

"Make sure you eat , jeonghan hyung eats and take your vitamins ok"

"Okay daddy~" Jisoo said in a flirtatious tone

Seokmin leans down to his ear and whisper "you're pregnant" and kisses Jisoo's neck and leaves

"Fucking hormones"
Seokmin visits Seungcheol at the hospital


Seungcheol looks at seokmin

"Morning brother"
"Morning seokmin"

They talked about business matters

"How's Jeonghan?"
"His fine , but I don't think his doing that good"

Seungcheol frowns "why what happened?"

"I'm not sure what, but from what I observed his not eating that much he seems pale"

Seungcheol hums understanding

"Jisoo?" Seungcheol said
"His fine"

"Where's your brother?"

Seokmin rolled his eyes again

"Look Mr Lee , I respect you since you're an elder to me but please shut the fuck up"

"Hey , you have no-" "shut it"

Seokmin clearly tired of their bullshit
Mr Lee and his son were pressuring  them to accept a partnership deal between the two business
Seokmin and Seungcheol both refused knowing how cunning Mr Lee is

"I can't, now please leave" Seokmin left the meeting room going to his office

"This going to be a long day"

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